Comparative Assessment of Various Processing Methods of Introduction of Additives of Carbon Nanomaterials to Concrete and Concrete Mixes

Ryabchikov P., Yakimovich V., Kovshar S.

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Тhe main results of a research of influence of various processing methods of introduction of domestic carbon nanomaterials (СNM) to heavy and fine-grained concrete and concrete mixes are reflected in material of article.

Introduction of small amount of solid-phase substance СNM to concrete represents a difficult task from positions of its uniform distribution on volume of the prepared concrete mix since this insoluble substance in water. Besides, owing to the small own size of a particle of СNM at the room temperature and atmospheric pressure begin “to self-organize”, uniting and being integrated up to formation of microscopic “granules”.

Introduction to cement (concrete, mortar) of carbon nanomaterials various processing methods, provides growth of durability of a cement stone (concrete, mortar) both in the conditions of natural (normal and moist) curing, and in case of the accelerated curing at thermal treatment of samples.

The type (structure) of СNM and dosage of substance has the main impact on the level of gain of durability of a cement stone (concrete, mortar) in some cases reaching 40 … 60%; optimum approximately there correspond 0,05 % of the mass of cement.

All checked ways of introduction of СNM can be realized by production of concrete mixes (concrete, mortar). At careful study of technology of introduction ensuring uniform distribution of СNM in volume of mix is one way or another possible that is confirmed by approximate equality of increase in durability of a cement stone for various ways of introduction (mixing with cement, sand, chemical additives, dispersion in water).

But reception of introduction of СNM in a complex with the powdery solid-phase chemical additives plasticizing and accelerating cement curing for concrete is represented to the most perspective.

The received results of researches develop prerequisites to wider use of СNM in constructional cement concrete.

Keywords: cement, concrete, carbon nanoadditive, durability, introduction technique.

For citation: Ryabchikov P., Yakimovich V., Kovshar S. Comparative Assessment of Various Processing Methods of Introduction of Additives of Carbon Nanomaterials to Concrete and Concrete Mixes. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 11. 2019. pp. 219–233. (in Russian)

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2664-567X (Online)
ISSN 2076-6033 (Print)

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