Numerical Studies of the Coefficient of the Degree of Pinching of Hollow-Core Precast Slabs in Stone Walls

Derkach V.

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The results of numerical studies of the degree of pinching of hollow-core precast slabs in the stone walls in the environment of the computing system “ANSYS” are presented. The numerical calculation of the junction of the floor slab joints with the bearing wall was carried out by the finite element method taking into account the contact interaction of the floor slabs with masonry. The theoretical values of the pinch point degree coefficient are compared with the results of physical studies of a fragment of reinforced concrete slab of prestressed multi-core hollow-core forged slabs with platform joints. The difference between the theoretical and experimental values of the degree of pinching did not exceed 12.5%. Based on the numerical calculation, the dependences of the coefficient of the degree of pinching from the elastic modulus of the masonry guests and the magnitude of the compression stresses of the load-bearing walls, using which you can calculate the value of the reference bending moments arising in the floor slabs are obtained. It is shown that the coefficient of the degree of pinching K non-linearly increases with an increase in the elastic modulus of masonry bearing walls. In this case, the greatest influence on the values of K has a change in the modulus of elasticity in the range of 1200-6000 MPa. In the case of supporting the slabs on the walls, made of aerated concrete blocks through a monolithic reinforced concrete belt, the value of the coefficient K increases 1.5 times. It has been established that the degree of pinching depends nonlinearly on the level of compressive stresses at the contact of the plate with the wall. At high levels of compression equal to 1-2 MPa, which are characteristic of the walls of the lower floors of multi-storey buildings, the value of the degree of pinching is in the range of 0.65-0.81.

Keywords: hollow-core slabs, masonry, platform joint, contact interaction, support zone.

For citation: Derkach V. Numerical Studies of the Coefficient of the Degree of Pinching of Hollow-Core Precast Slabs in Stone Walls. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 11. 2019. pp. 25–35.

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ISSN 2664-567X (Online)
ISSN 2076-6033 (Print)
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