Perfection of Estimation and Prognostication of the Technical State of the Reinforce-Concrete Elements and Constructions, Exploited in Different Atmospheric Terms

Vasilyev A.


 On results long-term researches of carbonating of concrete, both right after making with the use of тепловлажностной treatment and in reinforce- concrete elements (FCE) and constructions (FCC), on-the-road the different protracted terms in different atmospheric terms are worked out systems of calculation-experimental dependences of change of carbonate constituent in time on the section of concretes of different classes on durability for different operating environments.

On the basis of study of carbonating of concretes of different compositions offer: concept of degree of carbonating of concrete, methodology of her determination and system of calculation-experimental dependences of change of carbonating degree in time on the section of concretes of different classes on durability for different operating environments.

On results researches of carbonating of concrete of protective layer dependence of loss of protective properties of concrete in relation to a gaggers and corrosive state of gaggers is educed on physical and chemical indexes.

The results of long-term inspections of different types of FCE with the estimation of the state of gaggers from the values of physical and chemical indexes of cement-sandy faction of concrete of protective layer allowed to appoint the quantitative criteria of quality estimation of the technical state of FCE and FCC taking into account carbonating of concrete.

On results research of carbonating from the amount of the used cement in the superficial layer of concrete in totality by research of carbonating in time on the section of concretes of different compositions the systems of regressive dependences are got for determination of primordial maintenance of cement in FCE and FCC. Graphic dependences, diagrams and nomograms, offer for determination of primordial maintenance of cement in the concrete of FCE and FCC on-the-road in different atmospheric terms.

The complex method of estimation and prognostication of the technical state of FCE and FCC exploited in different air environments is worked out, taking into account carbonating of concrete. For automation of calculations and increase of comfort of the use a software product – calculable complex «OKAVA» offers the got results.

Keywords: concrete, carbonating, estimation of the technical state, complex method.

For citation: Vasilyev A. Perfection of Estimation and Prognostication of the Technical State of the Reinforce-Concrete Elements and Constructions, Exploited in Different Atmospheric Terms. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 9. 2017. pp. 148–167.

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033
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