About Collected Research Papers

The Collected Research Papers “Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete” is an independent scientific periodical printed edition.

The first publication of the Collected Papers was held in 2007 and was dedicated to the Symposium of the same name. In 2011 the Collected Papers became an annual publication.

The Collected Papers in printed and online version has been assigned the ISSN codes: ISSN (ISSN 2664-567X (Online), ISSN 2076-6033 (Print).

According to the resolution of Supreme Attestation Commission №21/8 d.d. 14.12.2011 and the resolution №5/3 d.d. 18.03.2016 the Collected Research Papers  “Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete” was included into the Catalogue of Scientific Publications of the Republic of Belarus in order to publish the Results of Thesis Research in the field of technical sciences (construction).

Since 2016 each paper, published in the Collected Research Papers, is assigned a DOI index (Digital Object Identifier).

The Collected Papers is indexed in the following databases: Russian Science Citation Index (РИНЦ), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus.

Institute BelNIIS RUE is responsible for the publication of the Collected Papers.

Publication frequency is once a year.

The publication of research papers is free of charge for authors.

Publication of articles is held on the results of a double “blind” peer review .

Organisational, technological and content requirements are described in more details in the Regulations (PDF. 179 Kb)

The Papers Major Subjects:

    calculation and design of concrete and reinforced-concrete structures (products);
    calculation, design, technologies and materials for foundation of concrete and reinforced-concrete structures;
    production technologies for concrete and reinforced-concrete structures (products);
    erection technologies for concrete and reinforced-concrete structures (products);
    materials and products for concrete and reinforced-concrete production;
    digital technologies in construction.

The subject-matters may be specified on the basis of the applications put in.

Goal and Objectives

Goal. Scientific and practical contribution to theory and practice advancement in the field of concrete and reinforced concrete of the construction sector in the Republic of Belarus and other countries.

Objectives. International exchange of experience in the field of structures of buildings and constructions, construction materials, technology and methods of construction management, evolvement of specialists’ scientific potential (inlc. young researchers) by publication of research papers that contain results of scientific-research and experimental-design works on different issues in the field of concrete and reinforced concrete (foundations and bases, concrete technology, load-carrying and enclosing structures; calculation, design and erection of structures of buildings and constructions; design of formwork systems and supporting harness; new finish, sound-proof and heat-insulating materials etc.)

Editorial Board

Chair of Editorial Board, Editor in Chief   Aleh Liashkevich, PhD in Engineering Science, Institute BelNIIS RUE (Belarus);
Deputy Editor in Chief   Valery Derkach, DSc in Engineering Science, Branch of Institute BelNIIS RUE – Scientific and Technical Center (Belarus);
Members of Editorial Board: Volodymyr Sakharov,  DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, University of Zielona Gora (Poland);
  Eduard Batyanovski,  DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, Belarusian National Technical University (Belarus);
  Viatceslav Belov, DSc in Engineering Science, ATOMPROEKT JSC, ASE JSC (Russia);
  Siarhei Basakou, DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, Institute BelNIIS RUE (Belarus);
  Vladimir Dmitriev, DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Russia);

Turatbek Duyshenaliyev, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (Russia);
  Evgeni Klimenko, DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Ukraine);

Aleksandrs Korjakins, DSc in Engineering Science, Riga Technical University (Latvia);

Mikhail Kuzmenkov, DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, Belarusian State Technical University (Belarus);
  Dmitry Lazovsky, DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, Polotsk State University (Belarus);
  Sergei Leonovich, DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, Belarusian National Technical University (Belarus);
  Igor Ovchinnikov, DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Russia);
  Andrey Pavlikov, DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic» (Ukraine);

Valentin Paruta, PhD in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Ukraine);

Viktor Tur, DSc in Engineering Science, Professor, Brest State Technical University (Belarus);

Alexandr Shcherbach, PhD in Engineering Science, Institute BelNIIS RUE (Belarus);
Secretary of Editorial Board: Natallia Mamysh, Institute BelNIIS RUE (Belarus).
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