Frost Resistance of Cement Concrete in Relation to Artificially Created Porosity

Korsun А., Batyanovskiy E.


The article discusses the effect of alternating temperatures on the physic and mechanical properties of concrete, made using different chemical additives to improve cold resistance. The results of laboratory studies to improve the frost resistance of cement concrete, showing the possibility of providing high frost resistance without the use of airentraining additives by increasing the density and impermeability of the structure are presented.

It was experimentally shown that the introduction of air-entraining additives with an additional hydrophobization effect is effective from the standpoint of ensuring the frost resistance of concrete of relatively low classes (up to C30 / 37), compressive strength up to 50 MPa and water absorption by weight more than 4.0 %. The frost resistance of concrete of greater impermeability and strength is advisable to increase by increasing these indicators, in particular, by minimizing the initial water content and quality compaction. This conclusion is experimentally confirmed by the data given in the article, since the “mechanism” of frost destruction of cement concrete is multifactorial, and the growth of its density (impenetrability) and strength provides a higher ability to resist “force” effects associated with repeatedly repeated alternating deformations, accumulation of fatigue phenomena, hydrodynamics of fluid filtration under the influence of changing temperature fields and others.

In studies, the standard 3rd method according to GOST 10060.1- 95 was used to evaluate frost resistance ... GOST 10060.4-95; other tests are performed according to the current regulatory and technical documentation.

As a result of the research, it was shown that the use of air-entraining additives in combination with plasticizers in concrete is capable of ensuring its frost resistance up to the “F200” ... “F300” marks when tested in a salt medium. However, to further increase the frost resistance of concrete, it is necessary to achieve a simultaneous increase in its density and impermeability along with high strength. The optimal combination of these factors is able to ensure the stability of cement concrete to the complex effect of destructive operating factors.

Keywords: concrete, additive, frost resistance, porosity, density, impermeability, strength.

For citation: Korsun А., Batyanovskiy E. Frost Resistance of Cement Concrete in Relation to Artificially Created Porosity. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 10. 2018. Pp. 169–184. (in Russian)

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033
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