Effective Medium Theory Application for Prediction Expansive Basalt Fiberconcrete Self-Stresses

Paulava I.


In present paper experimental-theoretical research for expansive basalt fiberconcrete on the basis of main conditions of Effective Medium Theory are proposed. In study following assumptions are accepted: expansive fiberconcrete is presented as continuous active matrix (cement stone), in the body of which discrete passive aggregate is located. Modeling system in this case expanded uniformly on the volume without contact discontinuity. Expanding process modeling based on combined consideration of structure formation on the position of geometry: modeling system contained uniformly divided in matrix volume equalsized spherical aggregate grains with equivalent radius; chemical: transition zone due to specific structure formation, resulted on high porosity, are considered as passive (unexpanded) component, the rest of cement stone – as active (expanded) component; stiffness: basalt fiber due to disintegration on monofilament, create 3-D structure reinforcement in concrete, and, as result, are considered such as restrictive element with specific stiffness characteristics. Combined application of expansive sulfo-aluminate admixture with basalt fiber allow to receive chemical prestressing and strength concrete properties increasing (particularly tensile strength increase). Amount of expansive additive assign proceeding from achievement of necessary self-stress level. Maximum amount of basalt fiber limit to 5% cause to prevent percolation effect, but to provide formation of filament spatial framework. Proposed model allow with adequate degree of accuracy prognoses main characteristic of self-stressed concrete – self-stressing.

Keywords: self-stressed concrete, basalt fiber, Effective Medium Theory, structure model, chemical prestressing, ettringite, self-stress.

For citation: Paulava I. Effective Medium Theory Application for Prediction Expansive Basalt Fiberconcrete Self-Stresses. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 10. 2018. Pp. 200–213. https://doi.org/10.23746/2018-10-13 (in Russian)

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033

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