Assessment of Development of Corrosion of Steel Fittings Depending on Thickness of the Protective Layer of Concrete of Various Classes on Durability on Compression

Vasilyev A.


As today taking into account the existing theory of carbonization, there is no possibility of determination of corrosion rate of steel fittings on the section of carbonized concrete, the purpose of researches was obtaining dependence of change of depth of corrosion of steel fittings in carbonized concrete in time depending on a concrete class on durability on compression and thickness of a protective layer.

By results of long-term researches of carbonization of concrete as right after production with application of heat moist processing, and in reinforced concrete elements (FCE) and designs (FCC) operated various long terms in the conditions of the open atmosphere, and its influence on change of protective properties of concrete in relation to steel fittings on the basis of the revealed dependence of a corrosion condition of steel fittings on extent of carbonization of concrete in a zone of arrangement of steel fittings and the received regression dependences of change in time on the section of extent of carbonization of concrete of various classes on durability on compression the analysis of time of approach of boundary values of extents of carbonization of concrete of classes on durability on compression of С12/15–С30/37 for operational conditions of the open atmosphere was made and on its basis regression dependences of change in time of depth of corrosion damage of steel fittings for the fixed thickness of a protective layer of concrete are constructed.

The received nature of dependences allowed to offer, in a general view, regression dependence of depth of corrosion damage of steel fittings for the fixed values of thickness of a protective layer of concrete and the exponential nature of development of corrosion of steel fittings. On the basis of its analysis, regression dependences of depth of corrosion and time of approach of critical corrosion of steel fittings on thick-ness of a protective layer of concrete of concrete of classes on durability on compression of С12/15–С30/37 for operational conditions of the open atmosphere are offered. They allow to consider the corrosion rate of steel fittings and time of approach of critical values of its corrosion damages to expected models of durability of FCE and FCC which are operated in the conditions of the open atmosphere.

Keywords: carbonating, corrosion, gaggers, regressive dependence, longevity.

For citation: Vasilyev A. Assessment of Development of Corrosion of Steel Fittings Depending on Thickness of the Protective Layer of Concrete of Various Classes on Durability on Compression. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 10. 2018. Pp. 121–134. (in Russian)

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033

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