Pavlikov А., Harkava О.
To solve the problem of developing a deformation model of the stress-strain state of a biaxially bended reinforced concrete column in the supercritical stage using the complete concrete stress-strain diagram, experimentally established features of its load deformation during load growth are used. The theoretical model of the stress-strain state of a biaxially bended reinforced concrete member, adopted in general, was implemented using a physical model in matrix form, the components of which are a matrix of geometric characteristics, a matrix-vector of strains and curvature parameters, and also a matrix-vector of external loads. The problem of difficulty applying nonlinear deformation model in the study of biaxial deformed elements is successfully solved by introduction of the extremal strength criterion. The general method of strength analysis of biaxial bended reinforced concrete columns is developed. The experimental tests data of reinforced concrete columns of a rectangular profile made of heavy concrete at biaxial bending are presented. The inclination angle of the external load plane to the vertical axis of inertia of the section varied in the range from 14º to 66º. It has been confirmed that the ultimate compressed fibrous strains of concrete depend not on the form of the section, but on the form of the concrete compressed area. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental data on the neutral axis depth X and the angle θ of the neutral axis inclination. It should also be noted the good convergence of theoretical and experimental strength of the columns, as evidenced by a coefficient of variation equal to 6.56 %.
Keywords: reinforced concrete, biaxial bending, axial force, strength, test.
For citation: Pavlikov А., Harkava О. Obshchiy metod rascheta prochnosti kososzhatykh kolonn na osnove nelineynoy deformatsionnoy modeli [General method for the strength analysis of biaxial bended columns based on a nonlinear deformation model]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 12. 2020. pp. 153-172. (in Russian).
Full text in Russian:
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