Automated Evaluation of the Concrete Products Surface Porosity

Dimitriadi N.

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Currently in the territory of the Republic of Belarus the normative document is used in order to evaluate the surface of concrete and reinforced concrete products and constructions [1]. According to this normative document concrete surfaces of the constructions are divided into 7 categories from A1 to A7.

The author suggests that the methods for evaluation of the surface quality, specified in [1], are not sufficient. Wherefore, the article reflects the works performed on development of the installation, methods and program to determine the surface porosity of concrete products. It describes the method to determine a particular and integral surface porosity through receipt and processing of the digital image with the developed program. It allows to automate the evaluation process of the surface and significantly speed up it (especially, in case of a great number of pores on the studied surface). The installation for receipt of the sample contrast images was developed, the modes for images photographic recording were selected. This installation for photographic recording used CANON EOS 1100D camera, on a special stand, used to maintain a constancy of focal length and distance to the registered object.

VBA based program was developed, it allows to determine the pores size and their distribution, calculate their number and evaluate the form, and also allows to determine particular porosity for concrete diameters and integral porosity. The obtained value of the integral porosity can be used for a clarified calculation of the relative and absolute adhesion value when developing compositions of the release agents. Based on the obtained calculation results it is possible to plot a graph of the pores distribution that formalise and simplifies the aim of the surface quality evaluation.

Keywords: surface category, surface porosity, pores sizes, photographic recording, digital image processing.

For citation: Dimitriadi N. Automated Evaluation of the Concrete Products Surface Porosity. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 12. 2020. pp. 61-70.

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ISSN 2664-567X (Online)
ISSN 2076-6033 (Print)

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