Optimization of the Composition of a Complex Polyfunctional Additive by the Strength Criterion of Cement Stone and Concrete

Gurinenko N., Batyanovskiy E.

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The article presents the results of studies of the effect of a new complex multifunctional additive containing a plasticizer, ultradispersed microsilica (UDMS) and an accelerating-sealing component on the hardening kinetics (growth rate) and the level of compressive strength of heavy structural concrete.

Using the methods of mathematical statistics, the influence on the hardening process (growth of strength) of cement stone and cement concrete of the components constituting a multifunctional additive (with their different ratios in the complex as a whole) was evaluated.

On this basis (including the results of an experimental assessment of the strength of cement stone and concrete samples), compositions of a polyfunctional additive to concrete have been developed and patented, characterized by the optimal range of content in its composition of components: superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate resins – 0.25 %...0.5 % of the mass of cement, ultradispersed microsilica (SiO2) – 0.25 %...1.0 % of WC, hardening accelerator – sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) – 0.35 %...0.5 % from WC and the additives that seal the structure - aluminum sulfate (Al2 (SO4)3) – 0.15 %...0.25 % of WC, at lower values for heavy structural concrete of class ≤ С50/60 and higher values for high-strength , especially dense concrete of class ≥ С70/85 (strength fcm.28 ≥ 100 MPa).

In studies of the strength characteristics and operational properties of concrete, standardized test methods were used. The results of experimental studies are confirmed by production tests of the development, their data are recorded and confirm the possibility of saving cement by 10 %...15 % without reducing the strength and operational properties of concrete, while reducing the cost of heat energy for heating concrete products with an additive of 1.5...2.0 times (by reducing the time of supplying the coolant to 1.5...2.0 h (with subsequent hardening by the thermos method) and reducing the temperature of concrete heating to 45 °C...50 °C).

Keywords: cement, concrete, additive, micro silica ultradispersible, micro silica, hardening, cement stone, strength, properties.

For citation: Gurinenko N., Batyanovskiy E. Optimizatsiya sostava kompleksnoy polifunktsionalnoy dobavki po kriteriyu prochnosti tsementnogo kamnya i betona [Optimization of the composition of a complex polyfunctional additive by the strength criterion of cement stone and concrete]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 12. 2020. pp. 102-119. https://doi.org/10.35579/2076-6033-2020-12-07 (in Russian).

Full text in Russian: 


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ISSN 2664-567X (Online)
ISSN 2076-6033 (Print)
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