Methods of Artificial Intelligence Used for Transforming a System of Coordinates

Mrówczyńska M.


The article discusses the problem of transformation in the form of the function f :R2 →R2 as a dependence between the coordinates [x, y] of the original system and the coordinates [X,Y ] of the secondary system. The task of the transformation of [X,Y ]= f (x, y) technically understood as the transformation of a system of coordinates has been solved by means of one direction two layer neural networks of the sigmoidal type, radial neural networks, recurrent cascade neural networks, and neuro-fuzzy systems with the use of the Takagi-Sugeno- Kang model. The numerical procedures applied make it possible to obtain a level of accuracy of the task equivalent to the cartographic accuracy of pictures in the Spatial Information Systems.

For citation:Mrówczyńska M. Primeneniye metodov iskusstvennogo intellekta dlya transformatsii sistemy koordinat [Methods of Artificial Intelligence Used for Transforming a System of Coordinates]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 4. 2012. pp. 6–19. (rus)

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ISSN 2076-6033
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