Technology of Erecting Cast-In-Situ Silos Cones Intended for Cement Storage

Markouski M., Bursau M., Kopylov Yu., Davidovskiy D.


The paper shows the issues of developing the formwork technologies of erecting cast-in-situ structures of irregular cone shape. The technologies of work decks tiered arrangement and erecting the cone bearing ring with one-sided form are suggested. Technological aspects of wall inclined form arrangement and lateral form pressure of mixture assessment are reflected. The method of developing the form as well as technology of concreting the cone head is described.

For citation: Markouski M., Bursau M., Kopylov Yu., Davidovskiy D. Tekhnologiya vozvedeniya monolitnykh konusov silosov dlya khraneniya tsementa [Technology of Erecting Cast-In-Situ Silos Cones Intended for Cement Storage]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 4. 2012. pp. 61–71. (rus)

Full text in Russian:

ISSN 2076-6033

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