Calculation of Cantilever Beams and Slabs Incorporation into the Masonry

Grinev V.D., Grinev V.V., Kozel A.N.


The formula determinating the length of console elements embedment into masonry is clarified. The technique of determining the embedment length, depending on geometric data power impacts and strength properties based on the iteration method is proposed.

For citation: Grinev V.D., Grinev V.V., Kozel A.N. Raschet zadelki v kamennuyu kladku konsolnykh balok i plit [Calculation of cantilever beams and slabs incorporation into the masonry]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 5. 2013. pp. 40–43. (rus)

Full text in Russian:

ISSN 2076-6033
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