Dorofeyev V., Kovrov A., Kushnir A.
The method and the example of analysis of the simpliest spacial reinforced concrete frame structure by numerically-analytical method of boundary elements are presented.For citation: Dorofeyev V., Kovrov A., Kushnir A. Raschet prosteyshey prostranstvennoy zhelezobetonnoy ramnoy konstruktsii pri pomoshchi chislenno-analiticheskogo metoda granichnykh elementov s uchetom protsessov treshchinoobrazovaniya [Analysis of the simpliest spacial reinforced concrete frame structure by numerically-analytical method of boundary elements with taking into account the cracking processes]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 5. 2013. pp. 78–85. (rus)
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ISSN 2076-6033