Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Volume 7 (2015)

Influence of Massive Residential Construction on the Innovative Component of Economic Growth
Liashkevich A.
To the Question of Synthesis of Parting Greases for Formworks in Concrete Production
Bursau M., Dimitriadi N., Ivashko L., Obukhav A.
Multilayer Walls with Brick Wall Facing under Wind Actions. Analysis of Ultimate Limit State of Carrying Capacity According to Eurocode 6
Derkach V.
Requirements for the Mechanical Characteristics of Mortar in Wall Facing of Multilayer Floor Supported Walls
Derkach V., Demchuk I., Tsaruk O.
Some Aspects of Microclimate Control in Concrete Buildings when Applying Plasters with Moisture-Regulating Capability
Konkov V., Uretskaya Ya., Plotnikova E.
Research of Soil-Concrete Material and its application for the Production of Piles and Soil Strengthening
Kravtsov V.
High Strength Concrete in the Constructions on the Road Transport Bridges
Krotov R., Chistova T.
Feature of Calculation and Design near Support Regions of Prestressed Concrete Beams with Flat Bent-Up of Longitudinal Reinforcement
Malinovskiy V., Krivitskiy P.
Physical and Mechanical Grounds for Setting Properties and Selecting Compositions of Plaster Solutions for Aerocrete Masonry
Paruta V., Lyashuk A.
Experimental Study of Typical Residential House Section 1-335AS Series Model Under Dynamic Loadings
Peresypkin E., Yurchenko Ev., Yurchenko El.
Lightweight Heat-Resistant Concrete for Fire Protection of Steel Building Constructions
Rumynskaya E., Kuzmenkov M.
Calculation of Reinforced Concrete Beams of Rectangular Section under Combined Effects of Lateral Forces, Torsional and Bending Moments
Semeniuk S., Zezulin A., Semeniuk E.
Reasonable Foundations for Low-Rise Construction in the Republic of Belarus
Seskov V., Liakh V.
Target Values of Reliability Indices within the Concept of Reliability adopted by the European Norms (Eurocodes)
Tur V., Nadolski V.
Antifreezing Additives for the Composition of Systems of External Heat Insulation of Buildings under Temperature below Zero
Uretskaya Ya., Plotnikova E.
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