Liashkevich A.
Research objective is the search for criteria to evaluate the accordance of the housing policy with the goals established for the development of national economy and with citizens interests. At that one of the most important aims is to minimize expenditures in the sphere of construction, complying with all requirements to the reliability and security of construction projects. Considering the fact that the expenditures made for the residential construction represent one of the forms of ultimate consumption, that nominally does not create a surplus product, the article argues the necessity to transfer the expenditures to the form of investment. In the long term this form of investment will lead to the emersion of new economic growth factors. One of the factors that determines the economic growth of the advanced economies is the quality of human resources expressed through the factor of development of human capital assets. The effective performance of human capital assets is provided with the competitive life quality, including security, ecology and living conditions. The article substantiates the idea of that the peculiarities of residential construction may indirectly influence the economic growth through the improvement of conditions for the enhancement of human capital assets. Thus the amount of expenses made directly for dwelling erection and creation of living environment may not have the direct meaning. Interdisciplinary approach is applied in the article, as a result the following conclusion is made: for massive residential construction it is necessary to use the series of buildings that create optimal conditions for secure and comfortable dwelling, that provide with the possibility for harmonious development of a personality, that contribute to strengthening of traditional values of the society. Thus the suppositions for the improvement of quality of human capital assets and, consequently, the growth of innovative component of national economy are created.Keywords: reinforced concrete, dwelling, housing policy, human capital, assets, economic upturn
For citation: Liashkevich A.N. Influence of Mass Residential Construction on Innovative Economic Growth Driver. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 5–12. (rus)
Full text in English:
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ISSN 2076-6033