Peresypkin E., Yurchenko Ev., Yurchenko El.
One of the reasons for the inconsistency of field and rated data on the behavior of buildings under seismic load is an insufficient registration of the interaction of the base and surface structures within computational models. This calls for full-scale testing. However, these tests are expensive and do not allow one or even several experiments show the entire diversity of effects and interactions.The article presents the formulation and results of the experiment on small model of typical residential house section 1-335AS serie , made of the piezo material (Plexiglas), on the dynamic loadings. Scale models are performed in compliance with the geometrical and physical similarity. Free oscillations of the model arose because of device ONYX spring-actuated gun strokes on the trough wall with sand, which contained the model section of the building 1-335AS series, loaded, in addition to its own weight, with payload created by the sand layer on the floors. Measurements of model shifts, as well as soil, were made with the two-channel microphone amplifier electrodes, connected to the computer in the oscilloscope mode. Using piezo material allows to read electrical signals arising from the free vibration of the model, and to register them at the computer. The results of the frame shifts measurements were compared with the corresponding rated values obtained on 7-point seismic impact within the spectral method.
Comparison of experimental, rated data and data of field tests in Irkutsk and Angarsk [1, p.189] showed, that the horizontal shifts of small-size model made of plexiglass exceed its rated values obtained by the spectral method, and are close to those of full-scale tests. The resonance characteristics of the model correspond to the rated characteristics.
Thus, it was shown that small-size models of piezo materials and the method of testing set out can be used to assess the vulnerability of buildings under seismic load.
Keywords: building model, dynamic system, piezoelectric effect, seismic wave, wave modes
For citation: Peresypkin E., Yurchenko Ev., Yurchenko El. Experimental Study of Typical Residential House Section 1-335AS Series Model Under Dynamic Loadings. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 103-110.
Full text in Russian:
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ISSN 2076-6033