Lightweight Heat-Resistant Concrete for Fire Protection of Steel Building Constructions

Rumynskaya E., Kuzmenkov M.


One of the least fireproof building elements are steel bearing structures. For the majority of steels, temperature equal to 500°С is considered to be critical. At this temperature yield point of metal drops to the size of the running voltages invoked by the external loading and own mass of the structure. After reaching of this temperature, deformation of engineering structures and their almost instant destruction is observed. A brief description of fire protection the industrially used for structural steel construction has been presented. It is necessary to note, that at the same time there are no domestically produced materials of the 1st group of fireproofing, that can provide under the fire exposure up to 1100°С a thermal protection of bearing metal structures for 150 minutes [2]. Based on the abovementioned, development of effective fireproof coverings for steel structures of the 1-st fire resistance group with application of raw material resources of the country was applicable goal of the research. Justification of prospects of use of phosphatic сements based lightweight concrete as fireproof materials is given. The development of flame retardant was carried out on the basis of magnesiumammoniumphosphatic binder providing fast curing of composition. Spent periclase-chromite firebrick and ammophos were used as raw material to create a binder. At the first stage of work on the chosen raw material for the establishment of the optimum parity of the components of a phosphatic сement cold curing a number of structures have been investigated. As a function of structures optimization strength and adhesion properties were used. The maximum values of adhesion and compression strength is in the range of percentage composition of ammophos 40-50 wt.%. The general scheme of interaction in NH4Н2PO4– (NH4)2НPO4–MgO–Cr2O3–Н2О have been investigated. It is established that under the interaction of magnesium oxide and ammoniumphosphatic binder mixed magnesiumphosphatic newformings are disengaged, struvite NH4MgPO4 6H2O is the most important of them. The thermochemical nature of processes is investigated. Developed effective material will solve the problem of fire protection of steel structures.

Keywords: light concrete, fire protection, steel construction structures, thermochemical transformations, phosphatic cements

For citation: Rumynskaya E., Kuzmenkov M. Lightweight Heat-Resistant Concrete for Fire Protection of Steel Building Constructions. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 111-132.

Full text in Russian:


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