Tur V., Nadolski V.
In January 2010 European standards (EN standards, Eurocodes) for the design, fabrication and erection of building structures were introduced in the Republic of Belarus. The system of European standards (Eurocodes) recognises the responsibility of regulatory authorities of each country and guarantees their right to determine values related to regulatory safety matters at national level. The submitted study is focused on the analysis of the reliability levels provided by Eurocodes. It is expected that the results obtained from this study will provide with background materials for the development of National annexes and also for the further improvement of Eurocodes. The problem of regulation of reliability, expressed in the values of allowable probability of failure or reliability index is considered in the study. The main methods of estimation the target values of reliability indices for building are presented. The features and quantitative reliability of steel structures are revealed on the received results. The conclusions on the necessity of further research for the improvement of the probabilistic models of basic variables and the necessity to perform a similar study for the construction made of other materials are drawn. The values of partial factors for a target reliability level of building structures according to Eurocodes with the dominant snow load are obtained. The analysis has shown that the use of the obtained values of the partial factors leads to the design value of snow load on the ground as the fractile of annual extremes for accidental (exceptional) load. This article attempts to show the reasons for the aforementioned inaccuracies and contradictions of the concept of reliability adopted in the Eurocodes.Keywords: partial factor, reliability, basic variable, target value, Eurocode
For citation: Tur V., Nadolski V. Target Values of Reliability Indices within the Concept of Reliability adopted by the European Norms (Eurocodes). Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 178-192.
Full text in Russian:
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ISSN 2076-6033