Antifreezing Additives for the Composition of Systems of External Heat Insulation of Buildings under Temperature below Zero

Uretskaya Ya., Plotnikova E.


The important characteristic of a construction mix is the provision of a possibility to work with it in winter conditions. For these purposes it is expedient to use construction mixes with antifreezing additives. The application of the agents is one of the most technologically simple and economically sound methods to evolve building and construction work on heat insulation of buildings in winter conditions without any harm to quality. A range of domestic and foreign liquid and powdered antifreezing additives for mortars is presented in the Republic. The agents combine antifreezing effect, effect of consolidation acceleration and plasticizing effect. The current article shows the research work that has been carried out in order to investigate the adhesive compounds with antifreezing additives produced by the joint Belarusian-Czech venture “Stakhema-M” that is one of the leading producers of chemical additives for concrete and building mortars in the Republic of Belarus. Optimal quantities of antifreezing additives that are recommended for compositions at the design temperature of consolidation up to 10°С below zero are defined. In order to define the efficiency criterion of application of antifreezing additives, the technology of definition of design temperature of adhesive compounds application for gluing in systems of thermal building insulation that will be introduced in STB 1621-2006 “Adhesive and polymeric-mineral compositions. Specifications” has been worked out.

Keywords: antifreezing additives, heat insulation of buildings, adhesive compound, temperature below freezing point, cohesive resistance, design temperature of appliance

For citation: Uretskaya Ya., Plotnikova E. Antifreezing Additives for the Composition of Systems of External Heat Insulation of Buildings under Temperature below Zero. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 193-207.

Full text in Russian:


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  3. Korneev V. I. Construction market. 2005. No 21. pp. 25-29. (rus)

ISSN 2076-6033
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