Composite Multi-Ribbed Slabs. Design Peculiarities

Shcherbach A., Sas S.


This article shows the main features of design process of a new (for the Republic of Belarus) type of reinforced concrete inserted floors – composite multi-ribbed slabs. The above-mentioned type of a composite slab is frequently applied in European countries while constructing low-story municipal and residential buildings owing to its simplicity, high speed of erecting, ability to cover up to 10 m span, possibility to create a cantilever, low need for application of powerful hoisting cranes and mechanisms, and also low need for highly qualified personnel on a building site. The information about the basic types of existing composite multi-ribbed slabs with precast reinforced concrete beams, and also various versions of structural solutions of slabs with cantilevers is provided in this article. The article also contains the graphic illustrations of above-mentioned structural solutions. General instructions for the design of composite multi-ribbed slabs and, according to authors’ opinion, the most important stages of a design process are provided – the design of resistance to shear, both for the construction stage and for the functional stage of a finished structure. The requirements imposed to the stiffening ribs of slabs are also provided. Special attention is paid to the design of precast beam and monolithic concrete interface – detailed instructions of determination of an interface design length while applying various types of hollow blocks are provided. Besides, the issue of the design of continuous composite slab, consisting of the determination of maximum values of the bending moment as a fraction of a maximum value of the bending moment at the so-called comparable flight of a single-span beam is taken up.

Keywords: multi-ribbed composite slabs, hollow blocks, stiffening rib, interface

For citation: Shcherbach A., Sas S. Chastorebristyye sborno-monolitnyye perekrytiya. Osobennosti rascheta i proyektirovaniya [Composite Multi-Ribbed Slabs. Design Peculiarities]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 229-243. (rus)

Full text in English:


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ISSN 2076-6033
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