To the Question of Synthesis of Parting Greases for Formworks in Concrete Production

Bursau M., Dimitriadi N., Ivashko L., Obukhav A.


The article presents the results of the research of composition and preparation technology of the parting greases to be used for smearing on working surfaces of forms and timberings in traditional ways during the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. The executed work has been focused on the determination of economically reasonable domestic components that provide parting greases with the demanded functional properties. The basic attention is focused on the research of viscosity of the compositions that consist of industrial oil and solvents – oil solvent and fatty acid methyl esters which are manufactured in the Republic of Belarus. It is established that the specified raw materials being mixed form the true solutions. The viscosity of the solutions, according to the structure, changes in a wide interval (from 1,6 to 170 mm2/s). A number of compositions with kinematic viscosity in a range from 2 to 20 mm2/s at a temperature of 20°С are of interest as a basis for synthesis of parting greases. The reason is that except for the low viscosity at introduction of modifying additives the compositions are characterised with the demanded values of other important indicators, in particular, the low adhesion characteristics of concrete to materials of forms and timberings, the ability to protect them from corrosion in heat-damp conditions of a concrete mixture hardening etc. A number of lacks are revealed. The search of the possible ways to eliminate the lacks will be held in further research work.

Keywords: kinematic viscosity, parting greases, adhesion, corrosive attack, solvent, diluent

For citation: Bursau M., Dimitriadi N., Ivashko L., Obukhav A. To the Question of Synthesis of Parting Greases for Formworks in Concrete Production. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 13-21.

Full text in English:


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ISSN 2076-6033
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