Some Aspects of Microclimate Control in Concrete Buildings when Applying Plasters with Moisture-Regulating Capability

Konkov V., Uretskaya Ya., Plotnikova E.


The analysis of foreign market of plaster compositions with high moistureregulating capability has been carried out. The article contains the information about the peculiarities of production of plasters with moisture-regulating capability. In order to produce a plaster with moisture-regulating capability as a filler quartz sand and special porous light fillers, mineral binder, modifying additives and agents that improve technical indexes of a final product were used. A very interesting method of a humidity control in residential units is the application of porous fillers that are able to absorb quickly, preserve and then slowly give the moisture back. The result of the research shows that it is possible to control the microclimate in residential and production units not only owing to the expensive conditioning systems that consume quite a lot of energy, but also owing to the use of construction materials that retain and give the moisture back easily. The research has been carried out and plaster compositions with moisture-regulating capability with the use of domestic components has been worked out. The plaster compositions allow to reduce the risk of steam condensation at walls and of occurrence of fungus and mould in a building inner space.

Keywords: moisture-regulating capability, plaster, porous filler, moisture sorption, moisture desorption, air entrainment

For citation: Konkov V., Uretskaya Ya., Plotnikova E. Some Aspects of Microclimate Control in Concrete Buildings when Applying Plasters with Moisture-Regulating Capability. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 41-52.

Full text in English:


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ISSN 2076-6033
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