Physical and Mechanical Grounds for Setting Properties and Selecting Compositions of Plaster Solutions for Aerocrete Masonry

Paruta V., Lyashuk A.


Normative requirements (durability at compression and bend, adherence to laying) to plasters for autoclave aerocrete walls are contradictory and not grounded.

Plaster should be regarded as a cover associated with laying through the contact zone. Design of structures and properties of plaster solutions need to be kept in view with the stress arising in plaster because of its shrinkage and deformation difference with masonry when hardening as well as deformation of the wall structure and the coating under operational loads.

The analysis of stress in plastering and curing operation should be performed before the appointment of the properties (compressive and bending strength, adherece to the aerocrete base).

It is necessary to choose komponents of mixture and their amount, taking into account the processes taking place during plaster hardening and destruction of the system «masonry – plaster covering». Their application must provide the decline of tensions in plaster covering and contact area to the sizes, less then stress-at-break.

Keywords: aerated concrete masonry, tension in the system «laying-clout coverage», plasters and designing their compositions

For citation: Paruta V., Lyashuk A. Physical and Mechanical Grounds for Setting Properties and Selecting Compositions of Plaster Solutions for Aerocrete Masonry. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 90-102.

Full text in Russian:


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