Conditions of personal data processing and storage

1. Terms and Definitions

The following terms and definitions are used herein:

1.1. Internet-site (hereinafter referred to as the Website) means a collection of the web pages, located on the virtual server and comprising the united framework, used by Institute BelNIIS RUE to provide Users with information and to ensure access to the online interaction forms. The collection of the web pages, comprising the Website of Institute BelNIIS RUE, is located on the Internet at

1.2. Content means the Website content, represented in the text, graphic, audio and/or video format.

1.3. User means a legally capable physical person, having access to the Website, using the Website through the Internet to his own advantage or on behalf of the legal entity he represents.

1.4. Service means an access to the Website content, to the online interaction forms on the Website in order to locate applications, messages, requests, to subscribe to newsletters, to make contacts with Institute BelNIIS RUE representatives; as well as to receive additional information, gratuitously provided by Institute BelNIIS RUE to User after filling respective online interaction forms on the Website.

1.5. Online interaction forms mean types of services, located on the Website to facilitate standard interaction procedures between the Customer and Institute BelNIIS RUE as well as for initial application of User to Institute BelNIIS RUE. The forms are designed to locate applications, messages, requests, to subscribe to newsletters, to make contacts with Institute BelNIIS RUE representatives.

1.6. User’s Personal Data means any information, provided by User about himself during the use of the online interaction forms on the Website; the data, which is automatically transferred by website during its use through the software, installed on the User’s device, including through his IP-address, information from cookie, information about User’s browser (or another program used to access the Website), time of access, address of the requested page.

1.7. Subject of Personal Data means a person, defined by the personal data.

1.8. Personal Data Processing means any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations), performed with the personal data with or without automated means, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, improvement (update, amendment), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, removal, elimination of personal data.

1.9. Confidentiality of Personal Data means a compulsory requirement for Institute BelNIIS RUE or other person, having received access to the personal data, not to allow its disclosure without consent of the Subject of Personal Data or another legal ground.

1.10. Cookies means the technical data, sent by the Website to the User through the Internet, stored on the User’s device, used to view the Website, and transferred to the Website from the User’s device, used to view the Website at each visit.

1.11. IP-address means a technical address of the User on the Internet.

2. General Conditions

2.1. This Regulation on the terms of processing and storage of the personal data when using the Website of Institute BelNIIS RUE (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) shall apply to the entire information, which website can get about the User during its use.

2.2. This Regulation shall apply to the Website of Institute BelNIIS RUE only, located on the Internet at Institute BelNIIS RUE shall not control and shall not be liable for User’s visiting and using external resources, links to which may be presented on the Website.

2.3. The User agrees with this Regulation by using the Website.

2.4. In case of non-agreement with the Regulation the User shall stop using the Website.

2.5. Institute BelNIIS RUE does not verify authenticity of the personal data, provided by the Website’s User.

2.6. Institute BelNIIS RUE shall keep the right to change the terms of this Regulation unilaterally at any time without notifying the User. The current version is always located on the Regulation page.

2.7. The User shall hold personal liability for verification of the Regulation for any changes.

3. Subject of the Regulation on the terms of storage and processing of the personal data of the User

3.1. This Regulation shall specify the obligations of Institute BelNIIS RUE for non-disclosure and privacy protection of the personal data, the User provides when performing actions through the Website.

3.2. The User shall provide the personal data, subject to processing hereunder, through filling the online interaction forms or performing other actions on the Website. The personal data may include the following:

3.2.1. the User’s surname, name, patronymic;

3.2.2. the User’s phone number;

3.2.3. the User’s postal address;

3.2.4. the User’s email;

3.2.5. name of the Company User represents;

3.2.6. UNP of the Company User represents;

3.2.7. legal address of the Company User represents;

3.2.8. email of the Company User represents;

3.2.9. number and date of the Contract, concluded between the company User represent, and Institute BelNIIS RUE.

3.3. The Website shall collect IP-addresses of Users.

3.4. Any other personal data, not specified above, shall be subject to safe keeping and non-disclosure, except for the cases, stipulated by Subclause 5.2 hereof.

4. Objectives of the User’s Personal Data collecting

4.1. The Website shall perform statistics collection of User’s IP-addresses. This information shall be used to detect and solve technical issues, to collect statistics of the Website pages visiting.

4.2. The personal data collection shall provide the User with access to the customer-focused services, namely:

4.2.1. execution of application for works performance;

4.2.2. information request through a feedback form;

4.2.3. execution of the feedback about level of satisfaction with cooperation with Institute BelNIIS RUE;

4.2.4. execution of the application for participation in an event, organized by Institute BelNIIS RUE;

4.2.5. subscription to newsletters;

4.2.6. execution of electronic message.

4.3. Collection of personal data shall allow receiving a feedback from the User, including replies to applications, requests, messages sent through the online interaction forms.

4.4. Collection of personal data shall allow performing advertising activity upon the User’s consent.

4.5. The objective of personal data collection is also to improve the Website’s quality and its usability.

4.6. The objective of personal data collection is also to perform statistical and other researches based on the submitted data.

5. Means and term of personal data processing and storage

5.1. Processing and storage of the User’s personal data shall be performed without limitation as to time through any legal means, including the personal data information systems with or without the automated means.

5.2. The User shall agree that Institute BelNIIS RUE shall keep the right to transfer the personal data to the superior administrative body (Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus) as well as to other authorised government bodies of the Republic of Belarus. Data transfer shall be performed only under the grounds and in the order, stipulated by the laws of the Republic of Belarus.

5.3. Institute BelNIIS RUE shall take all necessary organizational and technical measures to protect User’s personal data from illegal or accidental access, elimination, change, blocking, copying, distribution as well as from other illegal actions of third parties.

6. Obligations of the Parties

6.1. The User shall:

6.1.1. provide authentic personal data, required for the Website use;

6.1.2. notify Institute BelNIIS RUE about the changes of the personal contact data, if any, after filling the following online interaction forms on the Website:

  • application for performance of works; 
  • feedback form; 
  • electronic messages from physical persons and legal entities; 
  • application for event’s participation.

6.2. Institute BelNIIS RUE as the Website owner shall:

6.2.1. use the recieved information solely for the purposes, specified in Cl. 4 hereof;

6.2.2. ensure confidentiality of the personal data, not disclose it without a prior written consent of the User as well as not perform sale, exchange, publication or other disclosure of the personal data, provided by the User, except for Subclause 5.2 hereof.

6.2.3. take precautions to keep confidentiality of the User’s personal data;

6.2.4. delete personal data related to the respective User since the message or request of the User or his legal representative, or authorized body for protection of the rights of the personal data subjects for the period of verification, in case there is inauthentic personal data or illegal actions.

7. Liabilities of the Parties

7.1. In case of non-fulfilment of its obligations, Institute BelNIIS RUE shall be liable for the losses, suffered by the User in relation with unauthorised usage of the personal data in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus, except for the case, stipulated by Subclauses 5.2 and 7.2 hereof.

7.2. In case of the personal data loss or disclosure, Institute BelNIIS RUE shall not be liable if the data:

7.2.1. became public before its loss or disclosure;

7.2.2. was received from the third party before their receipt by Institute BelNIIS RUE;

7.2.3. was disclosed upon the User’s consent;

7.2.4. was disclosed by third party websites and services, links to which are presented on the Website.

7.3. The User shall not be liable for possible consequences in case inauthentic personal data has been submitted.

8. Disputes Settlement

8.1. In case of any disagreement or disputes related to working or application of the terms hereof, the Parties shall try to settle them by means of negotiations.

8.2. In case the negotiations fail, it is obligatory to submit a claim (a written proposal on voluntary settlement).

8.3. The claimee shall notify the claimant within 30 calendar days as of the receipt date about the results of the claim consideration.

8.4. In case the Parties fail to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be referred to the court in accordance with the applicable laws of the Republic of Belarus.

8.5. This Regulation and relations between the User and Institute BelNIIS RUE shall be governed by the applicable laws of the Republic of Belarus.

9. Additional conditions

9.1. All proposals or queries concerning this Regulation shall be sent to email:

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