Aleh Liashkevich

Position: Director General

Academic degree: PhD in Engineering Science


15.11.2004 – present – Acting Head of Laboratory, Head of Laboratory, Chief Designer, Deputy Director General for Science, Foreign Economic Activity and Information Technologies, Director General (since 10.2014), “Institute BelNIIS” Republican Unitary Enterprise, Minsk

02.02.2004 – 29.10.2004 – Deputy Director, Construction Resources LLC, Minsk

01.03.1999 – 31.04.2004 – Junior Researcher, Research Associate, Senior Lecturer, Polotsk State University, Polotsk

Other administrative and managerial activities in the field of R&D

2016 – present – Member of the Construction State Expert Board of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus.

2003 – present – work in the National Standardisation Technical Committee in Architecture and Construction “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures, concretes and solutions” (TCC-08)


2015 – Head of State Administration, Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus

2003 – PhD (specialty 05.23.01 – Building constructions, buildings and structures). Supervisor – Dr Dmitri Lazovskiy, Professor. Subject of the thesis: “Robustness, toughness, cracking resistance of statically indeterminate space frame reinforced concrete structures”, Polotsk State University

1996 – Construction Engineer, Polotsk State University

Scope of the study

Technical regulations in the construction of  high-rise buildings; the quality of  the reinforcement and its products; automatisation of the design process and calculation of buildings and constructions; new kinds of metal structures; reinforced concrete structures according to Eurocodes; post-tensioned slabs.


2009 – Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus


Period Research project
2007-2008 To develop and implement effective import-substituting thin-walled cold-formed zinc-coated profiles and their constructions of pre-fabricated low-rise buildings. Project supervisor: A.Liashkevich. Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, “Institute BelNIIS” Republican Unitary Enterprise. State reg. №: ГР 2008492.
2007-2009 To carry out investigations of welded connections of S500 untensioned reinforcement and prepare proposals on the parameters of welded connections for their reliability growth. Project supervisor: A.Liashkevich. Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, “Institute BelNIIS” Republican Unitary Enterprise. State reg. №: ГР 2008493.
2008-2011 To develop a calculation and design procedure and implement import-substituting frame systems with flexible-walled cross section elements for low-rise manufacturing buildings. Project supervisor: A.Liashkevich. Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, “Institute BelNIIS” Republican Unitary Enterprise. State reg. №: ГР 20090351.
2009- 2010 To conduct investigations and prepare Recommendations on the use of clutches for mechanical joint of the reinforcement. Project supervisor: A.Liashkevich. Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, “Institute BelNIIS” Republican Unitary Enterprise. State reg. №: ГР 20092436.
2010-2012 To perform the research and development support of the programme of principal measures for the implementation of European standards for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete and equipping of testing laboratories for 2010-2011. Project supervisor: A.Liashkevich. Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, “Institute BelNIIS” Republican Unitary Enterprise. State reg. №: ГР 20110110.
2010-2012 To carry out complex investigations and prepare Recommendations for the calculation and design of pre-tensioned monolithic slabs constructed on site without coupling of pre-tensioned concrete reinforcement which ensures a decrease in consumption of the reinforcement by 30-40%. Project supervisor: A.Liashkevich. Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, “Institute BelNIIS” Republican Unitary Enterprise. State reg. №: ГР 20110111.
2013-2015 To carry out investigations and prepare production drawings of reinforced concrete products for the construction of bounty single-story buildings, based on European norms, allowing to increase building endurance, robustness, decrease in labour input during their construction by 15 – 20 %. Project supervisors: A.Liashkevich, A.Shcherbach. Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, “Institute BelNIIS” Republican Unitary Enterprise. State reg. №: ГР 20132659.
2014-2015 To conduct investigations and prepare production drawings of prefabricated reinforced foundation beams based on series 1.015.1-1.95 for exterior and interior walls of bounty buildings. Project supervisors: A.Liashkevich, A.Shcherbach. Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, “Institute BelNIIS” Republican Unitary Enterprise. State reg. №: № ГР 20142713.


Year Publication
2019 Liashkevich A. Using artificial neural networks for assessing the reinforcement of reinforced-concrete floor slabs. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 11. 2019. pp. 51–62.
2018 Basakou S., Liashkevich A. Modal analysis of three-dimensional finite element models of reinforced concrete structures. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 10. 2018. pp. 11–18.
2017 Liashkevich A.N. BIM Technology Perspectives for the Computer-Aided Development of Specification Documents for Reinforced-Concrete Structures. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 9. 2017. pp. 70–79.
2015 Liashkevich A.N. Influence of massive residential construction on the innovative component of economic growth. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 5–12. (ru)
2014 Liashkevich A.N., Shcherbach A.V. Post-tensioned flat slabs. Design stages and particular requirements. In:  Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 6. 2014. pp. 208–220. (rus)
2013 Liashkevich A.N., Shcherbach A.V. An Experience in Design of Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures According to Eurocode 2. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 5. 2013. pp. 111–121. (rus)
2011 Liashkevich A.N. Перспективы применения композитной арматуры [Perspectives of composite reinforcement appliance]. In: Problemy sovremennogo betona i zhelezobetona: materialy III mezhdunarodnogo simposiuma (Minsk, 9-11 noyabrya 2011) [Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: materials of 3rd International Symposium (Minsk, November 9-11, 2011)]. Vol. 1 – Betonnyye i zhelezobetonnyye konstruktsii [Concrete and reinforced concrete structures]. pp 262-268. (rus)
2010 Liashkevich A.N., Shcherbach A.V. Особенности требований европейских стандартов к проектированию и производству сборных железобетонных изделий [Particularities of European standard requirements for design and production of prefabricated reinforced concrete products]. In: Stroitelnaya nauka i tekhnika [Construction science and technology], 2010; 6: 41-46. (rus)
2010 Liashkevich A.N. Требования к арматуре для железобетонных конструкций в нормативной документации Республики Беларусь [Reinforcement requirements for reinforced concrete structures in regulatory documents of the Republic of Belarus]. In: ZHBI i konstruktsii [Reinforced concrete products and constructions], 2010; 1. (rus)
2010 Liashkevich A.N., Chubrik A.I. Результаты испытаний сварных и механических стыковых соединений арматуры класса S500 [Results of trials of welded and mechanical butt joints of S500 reinforcement]. In: Stroitelnaya nauka i tekhnika [Construction science and technology], 2010; 6: 130–133. (rus)
2009 Liashkevich A.N. Реализация современных требований к арматуре в действующих нормативных документах [Implementation of modern requirements for the reinforcement in current regulatory documents]. In: Problemy sovremennogo betona i zhelezobetona: materialy III mezhdunarodnogo simposiuma (Minsk, 21-22 oktyabrya 2009) [Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers: materials of the 2nd International Symposium (Minsk, October 21-22, 2009)]. Vol. 1 – Betonnyye i zhelezobetonnyye konstruktsii [Concrete and reinforced concrete structures]: 252-258. (rus)
2009 Lagun Yu. I. Экспериментальные исследования поведения тонкостенных холодногнутых профилей под нагрузкой [Experimental Research of Behavior of Thin-Walled Cold Formed Profile] / Yu. I. Lagun, A. N. Liashkevich, V. Ye. Novikov, A. Chubrik // Sovremennyye metallicheskiye i derevyannyye konstruktsii (normirovaniye, proyektirovaniye i stroitelstvo) : sb. nauch. tr. mezhdunar. simpos.) [Contemporary Metal and Wooden Structures (Standardization, Design and Construction) : Collected Research Papers of International Symposium]. Brest, 15 – 18 iyunya 2009 – Brest : ОАО «Brestskaya tipographiya», 2009. – pp. 148 – 153. (rus)
2007 Liashkevich A.N. Реализация современных требований к арматуре в новых нормативных документах [Implementation of modern requirements for the reinforcement in new regulatory documents]. In: Stroitelnaya nauka i tekhnika [Construction science and technology], 2007; 5: 146–150. (rus)
2007 Liashkevich A.N. Расчет и проектирование несущих каркасов высотных зданий [Calculation and design of supporting frames of high-rise buildings]. In: Masterskaya. Stroitelstvo [Workshop. Construction], 2007; 4: 71–73. (rus)
2007 Liashkevich A.N. Современная практика возведения монолитных конструкций с преднапряжением в построечных условиях [Modern practice of pre-tensioned monolithic construction installations in building conditions]. In: Masterskaya. Stroitelstvo [Workshop. Construction], 2007; 1-2: 50–52. (rus)
2006 Liashkevich A.N. Рациональное использование арматуры при возведении железобетонных каркасов зданий [Efficient use of the reinforcement during installation of reinforced concrete building frames]. In: Masterskaya. Stroitelstvo [Workshop. Construction], 2006; 11: 44–46. (rus)
2006 Liashkevich A.N. Особенности маркировки и использования ненапрягаемой арматуры на строительных объектах Беларуси [Particularities of untensioned reinforcement labelling and use on construction projects of Belarus]. In: Masterskaya. Stroitelstvo [Workshop. Construction], 2006; 3: 58–60. (rus)
2006 Liashkevich A.N. Особенности маркировки и использования ненапрягаемой арматуры на строительных объектах Беларуси [Particularities of untensioned reinforcement labelling and use on construction projects of Belarus]. In: Masterskaya. Stroitelstvo [Workshop. Construction], 2006; 3: 58–60. (rus)
2005 Savenok A.N., Zinovenko A.V., Katylkov G.N., Leshkevich O.N. Освоение производства холоднодеформированной низкоуглеродистой проволоки с трехсторонним периодическим профилем для армирования железобетонных конструкций на РУП «БМЗ» [Assimilation of Production of Cold-W'orked Low-Carbon Wire with Threesided Die-Roiled Section for Reinforcement of Concrete Constructions at RUP “BMZ”]. Litiyo i Metallurgiya (Foundry Production and Metallurgy). 2005;(2-2):23-24. (rus)
2004 Lazovskiy D.N., Glukhov D.O., Liashkevich A.N. Методика расчета статически неопределимых стержневых железобетонных конструкций [Calculation procedure of statically indeterminate frame reinforced concrete structures]. In: Vestnik Polotskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. B. Prikladnyye nauki [Bulletin of Polotsk State University. Series B. Applied sciences], 2004; 1: 66-73. (rus)
2002 Lazovskiy D.N., Glukhov D.O., Liashkevich A.N. Расчет прочности, жесткости и трещиностойкости стержневых железобетонных конструкций [Calculation of durability, stiffness and cracking resistance of frame reinforced concrete structures]. In: Vestnik Polotskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. B. Prikladnyye nauki [Bulletin of Polotsk State University. Series B. Applied sciences], 2002: 69-76. (rus)
2002 Liashkevich A.N. Нелинейный анализ железобетонных пространственных стержневых систем [Nonlinear analysis of reinforced space frame systems]. In: Vestnik BGTU. Stroitelstvo i arkhitektura. [Bulletin of Brest State Technical University. Construction and architecture], 2002; 1: 78-82. (rus)
2002 Lazovskiy D.N., Glukhov D.O., Liashkevich A.N. Особенности расчета статически неопределимых железобетонных конструкций с учетом геометрической и физической нелинейности методом конечных элементов [Special aspects of calculation of statically indeterminate reinforced concrete structures based on geometrical and physical nonlinearity using finite element method]. In: Aktualnyye problemy rascheta zdaniy, konstruktsiy i ikh chastey: teoriya i praktika: mat. mezhdunar. nauch.-tekhn. konf. (Minsk, 21-22 marta 2002) [Current issues of the calculation of buildings, structures and their parts: theory and practice: materials of the International Scientific and Technical Conference (Minsk, March 21-22, 2002)], Minsk, "Technoprint", 2002: 104-109. (rus)
2002 Liashkevich A.N. Физически нелинейный анализ пространственных железобетонных стержневых систем [Physically nonlinear analysis of dimensional reinforced concrete bar systems] In: Novyye idei razvitiya betona i zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy: dokl. i tr. konf. tvorcheskoy molodezhi [New ideas of concrete and reinforced concrete structure development: reports and papers of the creative youth conference], Moscow, NIIZhB, 2002: 207 – 214. (rus)
2001 Lazovskiy D.N., Glukhov D.O., Liashkevich A.N. Учет вероятностного характера свойств материалов при конечноэлементном расчете железобетонных конструкций, использующем деформационную модель сечения [Accounting the probabilistic nature of material properties at finite element calculation of reinforced concrete structures using a cross-section deformation model]. In: Problemy tekhnologii proizvodstva stroitelnykh materialov, izdeliy i konstruktsiy, stroitelstva zdaniy i sooruzheniy, podgotovki inzhenernykh kadrov dlya stroitelnoy otrasli: mat. VIII mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. seminara (Minsk, 15-16 noyabrya, 2001) [Problems of manufacturing technology of construction materials, products and structures, construction of buildings and facilities, preparation of engineering staff for construction industry: materials of the 8th international scientific and practical seminar (Minsk, November 15-16, 2001)], Minsk, Strinko, 2001: 293-297. (rus)
2001 Lazovskiy D.N., Glukhov D.O., Liashkevich A.N. Программный комплекс для расчета пространственных железобетонных конструкций [Programme complex for the dimensional reinforced concrete structure calculation]. In: Tezisy dokladov belorussko-polskogo nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara (Belostok, Respublika Polsha, 11-13 sentyabrya 2001) [Abstracts of Belarus and Poland scientific and practical seminar (Bialystok, Republic of Poland, September 11-13, 2001)], Minsk, 2001: 91-92. (rus)
2001 Lazovskiy D.N., Glukhov D.O., Liashkevich A.N. Программы расчета железобетонных конструкций по проекту СНБ 5.03.01 [Calculation programmes of reinforced concrete structures under project SNB 5.03.01]. In: Perspektivy razvitiya novykh tekhnologiy v stroitelstve i podgotovke inzhenernykh kadrov v Respublike Belarus: sb. trudov VII mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. seminara [Perspectives of the development of new technologies in construction and preparation of engineering staff in the Republic of Belarus: collection of papers of the 7th international scientific and practical seminar], Brest, BSTU, 2001: 133 – 137. (rus)
2001 Lazovskiy D.N., Glukhov D.O., Liashkevich A.N. Программы БЕТА и RADUGA для расчета строительных конструкций [Programmes BETA and RADUGA for calculation of construction structures]. In: Arkhitektura i stroitelstvo [Architecture and construction], 2001; 6: 28 – 30. (rus)
2001 Liashkevich A.N., Soloviev D.S. Выделение конечных элементов при расчете стержневых железобетонных конструкций [Segregation of finite elements while calculating frame reinforced concrete structures]. In: Perspektivy razvitiya novykh tekhnologiy v stroitelstve i podgotovke inzhenernykh kadrov v Respublike Belarus: sb. trudov VII mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. seminara [Perspectives of the new technology development in construction and preparation of engineering staff in the Republic of Belarus: collection of papers of the 7th international scientific and practical seminar], Brest, BSTU, 2001: 137 – 141. (rus)
2001 Terin V.D., Liashkevich A.N., Lenartovich D.V. Влияние степени пластической деформации на свойства холоднодеформированной арматуры [Influence of the plastic flow degree on properties of cold-deformed reinforcement]. In: Sovershenstvovaniye zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy, otsenka sostoyaniya i usileniye: Materialy resp. nauch.-tekhn. konferentsii [Improvement in reinforced concrete structures, status estimation and reinforcement: materials of the republic scientific and technical conference], Minsk, "Technoprint", 2001: 173-176. (rus)
1996 Terin V.D., Koltunov A.I., Liashkevich A.N. Перспективы производства и применения ненапрягаемой арматуры повышенной прочности [Perspectives of production and application of heavy-duty nonprestressed reinforcement] // In: Perspektivy razvitiya novykh tekhnologiy v stroitelstve i podgotovke inzhenernykh kadrov Respubliki Belarus: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Perspectives for development of new technologies in construction and training of engineering personnel: Collected Research Papers] / Edited by Petsold T.M. - Minsk: BGPA. - 1996. - pp. 47-51. (rus)


1. High-rise building or facility frame. Authors: Mordich А.I., Belevich V.N., Lozakovich О.V., Liashkevich A.N., Mordich D.M. (invention patent UA No. 79327, priority: 24.06.2005).

2. High-rise building or facility frame. Authors: Mordich А.I., Belevich V.N., Lozakovich О.V., Liashkevich A.N., Mordich D.M. (invention patent EA No. 007115, priority: 25.05.2005).

3. High-rise building. Authors: Mordich А.I., Nichkasov A.I., Bleshchik N.P., Liashkevich A.N.  (invention patent EA № 007114, priority: 04.05.2005).

4. Cold-deformed reinforcement production line. Authors: Dubrova I.V., Steblov A.B., Strizhak N.M., Pinchuk V.A., Samonchik V.G., Lenartovich D.V., Liashkevich A.N., Khlebtsevich D.A. (utility model patent BY No. 1822, priority: 09.04.2004).

5. Deformed reinforcement for the installation of reinforced concrete products. Authors: Steblov A.B.,  Philippov V.V., Vashkov A.S., Lenartovich D.V., Terin V.D., Miriugin O.G., Liashkevich A.N., Isaevich L.A., Dubrova I.V. (utility model patent BY № 612, priority: 05.12.2001)

6. Reinforcing bar. Authors: Terin V.D., Philippov V.V., Steblov A.B., Miriugin O.G., Lenartovich D.V., Liashkevich A.N. (utility model patent BY № 361, priority: 22.01.2001).

7. Deformed section reinforcing bar. Authors: Terin V.D., Liashkevich A.N.  (invention patent BY № 3789, priority: 07.04.1998).

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