Aliaksandr Shcherbach

Position: Head of Scientific and Research Laboratory of Building and Structure Construction Systems

Academic degree: PhD in Engineering Science


2005 - PhD in engineering sciences (specialty 05.23.01- Building structures, buildings and facilities), supervisor - V.V. Tur, Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, subject of the thesis: “Strength of inclined sections of precast-monolithic self-stressed elements with a double-digit diagram of bending moments”, Brest State Thechnical University

2000 - Industrial and Civil Construction, Brest Polytechnic Institute


  • To perform a scientific-technical support of the program on priority measures for implementation of European standards in production of precast reinforced concrete and equipping testing laboratories for 2010–2011.
  • To perform complex studies and work out recommendations for analysis and design of solid cast slabs made with prestressing under construction conditions without prestressed reinforcement-to-concrete bond, which reduces consumption of reinforcement by 30–40%.
  • To carry out studies and develop, based on the European standards, shop drawings of precast reinforced items to construct single-storey buildings for industrial and agricultural purposes, ensuring increase in durability, reliability of buildings, and decrease in labour intensity of their erection by 15–20%.
  • To perform studies and work out shop drawings in accordance with European standards for precast reinforced foundation beams, based on 1.015.1-1.95 series for external and internal walls of industrial and agricultural buildings.


Year Publication
2015 Shcherbach A., Sas S. Chastorebristyye sborno-monolitnyye perekrytiya. Osobennosti rascheta i proyektirovaniya [Composite Multi-Ribbed Slabs. Design Peculiarities]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 229-243. (rus)
2014 Liashkevich A., Shcherbach A. Monolitnyye post-napryazhennyye perekrytiya. Etapy proyektirovaniya I osobyye trebovaniya [Post-Tensioned Flat Slabs. Design Stages and Particular Requirments]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 6. 2014. pp. 208-220. (rus)
2013 Liashkevich A., Shcherbach A. Opyt primeneniya Evrokoda 2 (TKP EN 1992-1-1) pri razrabotke sbornykh zhelezobetonnykh izdeliy [An Experience in Design of Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures According to Eurocode 2]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 5. 2013. pp. 111–121. (rus)
 2013 Markouski M., Shcherbach A. Gonka za vysotu prodolzhayetsya [Race for Height is Kept on]. In: Architecture and Construction Journal. Minsk. - 2013 - №1 (231). (rus)
 2011 Tur V., Shcherbach A. Konstruktivnyye sistemy vysotnykh zdaniy, vozvodimykh s ispolzovaniyem zhelezobetona v kachestve osnovnogo konstruktsionnogo materiala [Structural Systems of Concrete High-Rise Buildings]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: materials of 3rd International Symposium (Minsk, November 9-11, 2011). Vol. 1 – Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. pp 421-442. (rus)
 2010 Liashkevich A., Shcherbach A. Osobennosti trebovaniy Yevropeyskikh Standartov k proyektirovaniyu i proizvodstvu sbornykh zhelezobetonnykh izdeliy [Peculiarities of European Standards Requirements for Design and Production of Precast Reinforced Concrete Items]. In: Construction Science and Machinery. Minsk - 2010 - №6. (rus)
 2010 Tur V., Petsold T., Shcherbach A. Proyektirovaniye sbornykh perekrytiy iz plit pustotnogo nastila bezopalubochnogo formovaniya v svete trebovaniya zarubezhnykh norm [Designing of precast floor, made of hollow core slabs without formwork-free shaping in the light of the foreign standards requirements]. In: Construction Science and Machinery. Minsk - 2010 - №1. (rus)
 2010 Tur V., Shcherbach A. Osobennosti proyektirovaniya sbornykh perekrytiy iz pustotnogo nastila bezopalubochnogo formovaniya. Uchet diafragmennogo effecta [Peculiarities of desinging precast slabs made of hollow core slabs without formwork-free shaping Iris effect consideration]. In: BSU Bulletin. Minsk - 2010. №1: Construction and Architecture. (rus)

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