Аutomated Monitoring of High-Rise Buildings Taking into Account the Temperature Factor

Snezhkov D., Leonovich S.


To increase the safety level in the construction and operation of unique and high-rise construction projects allow automated monitoring of loadbearing structures. The effectiveness of such systems lies in the operational – in real time – detection and forecasting of the bearing structures stressstrain state evolution. Choosing the type of sensors, determining their number and installation places is one of the tasks in the formation of the optimal monitoring system structure. There is a problem of choice of admissible limits of deformation of frame elements.

In the article questions of the automated monitoring of high rise buildings with use of tilt angles sensors – inclinometers are considered. The sensitivity and long-term stability of the metrological characteristics of the inclinometers it is possible to register almost any deformation changes the geometry of the building structural framing, including due to the temperature variation. High sensitivity in combination with the wireless interface allows you to quickly, with low costs to organize information and measurement monitoring network, and change its configuration if necessary.

The experimental monitoring data of a high-rise building in Minsk are given. The correlation analysis of the inclination angles of the building frame columns is proposed as a basis for processing the monitoring data. A significant correlation between the inclination angles of monolithic columns and the temperature is revealed. The temperature sensitivity parameters of the tilt angles of the controlled columns are determined. The dependence of these parameters on seasonal factors is revealed. The method of calculation and automatic compensation of temperature factor of deformation is offered. This increases the sensitivity of the system to the variation of power loads on the building frame, while reducing the probability of forming a false warning messages.

Keywords: monitoring, inclinometer, load-bearing framework, angular deviation, deformation, correlation, temperature.

For citation: Snezhkov D., Leonovich S. Аutomated Monitoring of High-Rise Buildings Taking into Account the Temperature Factor. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 10. 2018. Pp. 233–249. https://doi.org/10.23746/2018-10-15 (in Russian)

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033

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