Investigation of Vibration of the Underground Railway Tunnel Lining in Case of Elastic Fastening of the Railway Track

Shepelevich M., Kanaplitski A., Ustinovich A.


The results of experimental investigations of vibration of the underground railway tunnel when lying the railway track on the elastic fastening blocks of the BV2-M grade according to TU BY 100261791.003-2017. Investigation objective: evaluation of the vibration vibrationisolation capacity of the elastic fastening system of a railway track.

The investigations have been performed on the section of the third line of the Minsk Underground Railway being constructed. The dynamic load was applied to the railway track by driving a diesel locomotive at the speed of ≈40 km/h. The diesel locomotive had two two-axle flat wagons with the total weight of 90 and 150 kN.

The efficiency of the vibration isolation of the railway track was evaluated from the vibration level (vibrational accelerations) transmitted to the rail and vibration response occurring in the tray, arch and lateral face of the tunnel lining. The vibrational accelerations were  measured in two cross sections of the tunnel, in one of which there was a rail bond joint.

It has been ascertained that the maximum levels of the vibration being transmitted to the rail and vibration response occurring in the tunnel lining structures are fixed in the reference points of the tunnel cross section with the rail bond joint. So the maximum root-mean-square values of the accelerations being transmitted to the rail in the octave bands with the geometric mean frequency 31.5 Hz and 63 Hz were 130–135 dB that corresponds to the level of the vibration occurring during the run of the typical electric train set. The values of the vibration response accelerations values occurring in the tray and arch as well as at the level of the horizontal diameter of the tunnel lining was less that in similar structures of the first line of the Minsk Underground Railway with ballastless rail track on wooden sleepers by 7–10 dB.

The fragments of the vibration records (in m/s2) were presented to allow determining the natural frequencies of oscillation of the tunnel lining structures and comparing them with the frequencies of natural oscillations of the slabs of buildings to prevent the resonance vibration.

Keywords: underground railway track, vibration-isolation blocks, vibration tests of the tunnel lining, vibrational accelerations, vibration records, natural frequencies of oscillations.

For citation: Shepelevich M., Kanaplitski A., Ustinovich A. Investigation of vibration of the underground railway tunnel lining in case of elastic fastening of the railway track. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 10. 2018. Pp. 78–92.

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ISSN 2076-6033

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