Concrete Mixtures and Concrete with the Addition of «UKD-1» – Evaluation of Changes in Properties

Marko O., Livinskaya V., Korbut E.

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The results of researches of influence of domestic complex chemical additive («UKD-1»), containing the structured carbon nanomaterial (CNM) characterized by the combined (the accelerating curing and plasticizer) effect on the time variation of the formability of concrete mixtures and on kinetics of curing of concrete in technology of monolithic concreting technology without warming up are expounded in the article. The aim of this study was to establish patterns of change in formability (slump) of flowable concrete mixtures with the addition of «UKD-1» in time depending on the varying factors: the properties of the cement, the temperature conditions of transportation, and to develop appropriate recommendations for the use of this new additive in monolith concrete. In carrying out experimental studies using standardized test methods. As a result, found that the influence of the additive «UKD-1» for the preservation of the molding properties of concrete mixtures follows the general laws specific to its constituent plasticizing and accelerating the hardening of concrete materials, and defined the permissible duration of transportation with these additive mixtures in the temperature range from 0...5 °C to 25...30 °C, that provides the necessary conditions for year-round maintenance of concrete work. Standardized and original methods has reviled the regularities of growth of the strength of heavy cement concrete under the influence of the separately taken accelerating component of the additive «UKD-1» and this additive, depending on the dosage (in the range (0,5...2,0) % of the mass of cement)). The dependence of the growth rate of concrete with the additive of «UKD-1» from the basic technological factors – quality of cement, the values of water-cement ratio, concrete composition and consistency of the concrete mix, ambient temperature curing and heat-insulating characteristics form formwork experimentally evaluated. This proved the rational modes and parameters of the conditions of concrete hardening with the addition of «UKD-1» for strength (compression) in the range of (50...100) % of the required project in the aged (28 days), without cost of energy to accelerate its hardening.

Keywords: complex chemical additive, sodium sulfate, carbon nanomaterial, cement, concrete, formability, hardening acceleration, monolithic concreting technology.

For citation: Marko O., Livinskaya V., Korbut E. Concrete Mixtures and Concrete with the Addition of «UKD-1» – Evaluation of Changes in Properties. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 11. 2019. pp. 164–188. (in Russian)

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2664-567X (Online)
ISSN 2076-6033 (Print)

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