Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Volume 11 (2019)

Development of the Theory of Computation of Pivotally-Connected Beams on an Elastic Foundation Taking into Account Their Physical Nonlinearity
Bosakov S., Kozunova O.
Numerical Studies of the Coefficient of the Degree of Pinching of Hollow-Core Precast Slabs in Stone Walls
Derkach V.
Early Age Restrained Strains and Self-Stresses of the Expansive Concrete Core in the Symmetrical Plane Restrained Condition
Kravchenko V.
Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Assessing the Reinforcement of Reinforced-Concrete Floor Slabs
Liashkevich A.
Dependence of Concrete Strength on Different Methods of Basalt Fiber Addiсting
Paulava I., Belamesava K.
Studying Crack Resistance of Reinforced-Concrete − Fibre-Glass Composite Pressure Pipes for Microtunneling
Shepelevich M., Puzan A.
Utilization of Wastes of Gomel Chemical Plant with Receipt of Commodity Products
Gubskaya A., Volovik T., Gapotchenko A., Gorbach I.
Accounting of Influence of Quality of Concrete Raw Components and of Operating Conditions on Concrete Products Durability from the Perspective of Technical Regulation
Gubskaya A., Gapotchenko A., Volovik T.
Technology, Kinetics of Hardening, Strength and Properties of Heavy Concrete with Polyfunctional Complex Additive
Gurinenko N.
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Stress-Strain State and Bearing Capacity of the Inclined Sections of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Beams of Rectangular Cross-Section
Klymenko Y., Polianskyi K.
Concrete Mixtures and Concrete with the Addition of «UKD-1» – Evaluation of Changes in Properties
Marko O., Livinskaya V., Korbut E.
Features of Expanded Clay Foam Concrete Hardening Regimes in Natural Conditions and Warming
Mordzich M.
Scientific Basis of Design Structures Plaster Solutions
Paruta V., Gnyp O., Lavrenyuk L., Bachinsky V., Grynyova I.
Comparative Assessment of Various Processing Methods of Introduction of Additives of Carbon Nanomaterials to Concrete and Concrete Mixes
Ryabchikov P., Yakimovich V., Kovshar S.
The Method of Determining the Composition of the Concrete Mixture to the Required Strength of Non-Autoclaved Aerated Concrete on Micro Filler of Dispersed Granite Dropout
Samuilov Yu.
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