Scientific Basis of Design Structures Plaster Solutions

Paruta V., Gnyp O., Lavrenyuk L., Bachinsky V., Grynyova I.

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The increase the volume of the high-rise construction, the use of new wall materials, requires a rethinking of the approach to the design of plaster mortar compositions. This is due to the fact that the load on the plaster coating, located on the 1 or 24 floors of the building, are significantly different.

To solve the problem within the framework of existing concepts, principles and regulatory requirements is not possible, as they are applicable to solutions used in low-rise construction.

To achieve this goal, the scientific basis for the design of plaster mortar compositions for high-rise buildings was developed in this article. An analysis of the processes occurring in the plaster coating during its application and hardening, the destruction mechanism of the system “masonry - plaster coating” was carried out. The main reasons for the development of cracks, such as temperature and moisture deformations of the plaster coating and masonry and their difference, the stresses caused by them, exposure to moisture, ice and aggressive substances, were identified and analyzed using examples and graphs. In order to prevent the destruction of the plaster coating, the values of physical and mechanical characteristics (compressive and bending strength, elastic modulus, etc.) were calculated, taking into account the stresses in it and the contact zone with the masonry, arising from the hardening of the mortar and the deformation of the wall structure. The principles and criteria are formulated under which the durability of the plaster coating and wall structure will be ensured. For two compositions of the mortar, which allowed to increase the water-holding ability of the mixture, reduce the shrinkage of the plaster coating during hardening, reduce the number of cracks that occur during hardening and prevent or slow down their development, the components were recommended and selected.

Keywords: plaster mortars, high-rise construction, hardening of mortar, composition of plaster mortar, cracks in the mortar.

For citation: Paruta V., Gnyp O., Lavrenyuk L., Bachinsky V., Grynyova I. Scientific Basis of Design Structures Plaster Solutions. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 11. 2019. pp. 205–218. (in Russian)

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2664-567X (Online)
ISSN 2076-6033 (Print)

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