Technology, Kinetics of Hardening, Strength and Properties of Heavy Concrete with Polyfunctional Complex Additive

Gurinenko N.

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The article presents the results of studies on the kinetics of hardening and the properties of heavy concrete being developed by a multifunctional complex additive containing a plasticizer, ultradispersed microsilica (UDMS) and an accelerating compaction component in order to increase the growth rate and level of concrete strength based on the formation of a more dense cement stone structure and zones of its contact with the surface of the aggregate grains.

The effectiveness of the proposed additive was experimentally confirmed in its application both in high-strength and “ordinary” concrete in terms of strength in order to increase the rate and level of strength growth, reduce energy costs in the production technology of concrete and reinforced concrete products and monolithic construction, increase density and impermeability, and on this basis, the quality characteristics of concrete - water resistance, frost resistance and protective ability in relation to steel reinforcement.

The possibility of a significant reduction in energy costs for heating concrete with a multifunctional complex additive is shown, due to the use of the “thermos” mode of its hardening with initial heating to 35 ... 40 ° C and subsequent aging in a thermal device without heat supply. Under these conditions, concrete with a multifunctional complex additive during heating according to the mode: 2 hours of preliminary exposure, 2 hours of temperature rise, and 12 hours of exposure in a thermal device gains strength at 80 ... 90% of the design (28 days), which is not only enough for transferring prestressing of reinforcement to concrete, but also for dispensing products to the consumer.

The studies used standardized methods for assessing the strength and performance properties of concrete.

Keywords: cement, micro silica, micro silica ultra dispersible, hardening, cement stone, structure, strength, properties, concrete.

For citation: Gurinenko N. Technology, Kinetics of Hardening, Strength and Properties of Heavy Concrete with Polyfunctional Complex Additive. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 11. 2019. pp. 125–146. (in Russian) 

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2664-567X (Online)
ISSN 2076-6033 (Print)

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