Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Volume 12 (2020)

Calculation of Foundation Mesh Slabs on an Elastic Layer
Bosakov S., Kozunova O.
Solving the Spatial Contact Problem for the Hinge Joints of the Beam Support by the Elastic Quarter-Space and One Eighth of the Elastic Space
Bosakov S., Skachok P.
Analysis of the Reasons for the Surface Defects of the Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures, Caused by the Physical and Chemical Effect of the Agents on the Concrete Mixture at the Interaction Boarder with the Mould
Bursau M., Hartsevich N., Dimitriadi N., Ivashko L.
Automated Evaluation of the Concrete Products Surface Porosity
Dimitriadi N.
Calculation of the Bearing Capacity and Stability of the Base of a Vertically Loaded Single Pile by Pressing (Pulling) Force Based on the Results of Soil Tests
Kravtsov V.
About the Permitted Deviation Values of Controlled Quality Indexes When Building Reinrorced Concrete Constructions
Bondar V.
Optimization of the Composition of a Complex Polyfunctional Additive by the Strength Criterion of Cement Stone and Concrete
Gurinenko N., Batyanovskiy E.
About the Possibility of Application of Grind Blast Furnace Granulated Slag PJSC "Severstal" in Cement Systems
Kalinovskaya N., Al-Musavi K., Kuznetsov D.
Stress-Strain Behaviour of High-Strength Concrete Reinforced with Polypropylene Fibers
Lyakhevich G., Grechukhin V., Motamedi S.
General Method for the Strength Analysis of Biaxial Bended Columns Based on a Nonlinear Deformation Model
Pavlikov А., Harkava О.
Rapid Assessment of Pozzolanic Activity in Determining the Effectiveness of Expansive Sulfo-Aluminate Type Additives
Paulava I., Belamesava K.
Experimental Research of the Displacements of the Reinforced Concrete Slabs of Highways Pavement and Assessment of the Accuracy of the Calculation Method
Semenyuk S., Kumashov R.
Influence of the Intensity of Development of Destructions Structure of Cements Uniformly Compressed Concretes with Increasing Load on Their Deformation and Disruption
Sovgira Vasilisa, Sovgira Vasiliy
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