Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Volume 5 (2013)

Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Hollow-Core Slabs Subjected to Bending and Torsion
Avlasko E.
Analysis of RS Frames Taking in Account Plastic and Brittle Fracture of Elements
Alyavdin P., Bulanov G.
Analysis of RS Frames Taking in Account Plastic and Brittle Fracture of Elements
Bondar V., Rak N.
Calculation of Cantilever Beams and Slabs Incorporation into the Masonry
Grinev V.D., Grinev V.V., Kozel A.N.
Tension Strength in the Claydite Bricks Masonry
Demchuk I., Derkach V.
Carrying Capacity of Frame Buildings Masonry Filling
Derkach V.
Anisotropy of the Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Claydite-Concrete Bricks Masonry in Compression
Derkach V., Galalyuk A.
Analysis of the Simpliest Spacial Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure by Numerically-Analytical Method of Boundary Elements with Taking into Account the Cracking Processes
Dorofeyev V., Kovrov A., Kushnir A.
The Experimental Investigations and Usage of Metal Screw Piles
Kravtsov V., Al-Tamimi Saif
Requirements of European Standart to Hydrotechnical Concrete Used in the Coast of the Sea
Lebedeva R., Skripkiunas G.
An Experience in Design of Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures According to Eurocode 2
Liashkevich A., Shcherbach A.
Technology of Temple Monolithic Structures Construction Process Using Modern Formwork Systems
Markouski M., Bursau M., Obukhav A., Dimitriadi N.
Tall Buildings and Heritage
Markouski M., Semashko A.
Parametric Research of Stiffness Characteristics for Ordinary Concrete on the Basis of Structural Model
Paulava I.
Precast Structures under Construction of Multi-Frame Buildings of Reinforced Concrete
Penyaz M.
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