Barabash I., Zubchenko N.
The purpose of the study is to obtain energy and resource-efficient composite cements and concretes based on them through the use of technogenic waste and mechanical activation. The properties of cement stone and concrete on the mechanically activated composite cement were investigated. Planned multifactor experiments were conducted. It has been established that the introduction of silica fume and activation in tribo-mechanical activator increases the strength of cement paste and reduces the initial damage. It is shown that through the use of composite binder can be obtained with high strength concrete already in the early stages of hardening. Mechanical activation of the binder increases the strength of concrete in 3 days of age on 4..8 MPa, in 28 day of age on 4..6 MPa. The introduction of 10% silica fume in composite binder increases the strength of concrete at 5..8 MPa. Binders with the amount of slag 60% and 10% silica fume allow making concrete, strength and frost are not inferior to the original concrete on Portland clinker. Due to mechanical activation binder concrete frost resistance increases by 50 cycles.
For citation: Barabash I., Zubchenko N. Svoystva stroitelnykh kompozitov na aktivirovannom kompozitsionnom tsemente [Properties of Building Composites on Activated Composite Cement]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 6. 2014. pp. 25-33. (rus)
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ISSN 2076-6033