Rating Limit Values of Masonry Walls Bearing Structures Deflections

Derkach V.


The results of experimental and theoretical studies of the stress-strain state and crack resistance of the masonry walls and partitions at a deflection of supporting floor slabs have been presented. The dependences of the change of the length of the contact zone between the masonry wall and floor slabs depending on the floor slab deflection have been obtained. The methods of rating serviceability criteria for masonry walls and partitions that are installed on the deformable floor slabs have been proposed.

For citation: Derkach V. Normirovaniye predelnykh znacheniy progibov konstruktsiy, yavlyayushchikhsya oporami kamennykh sten i peregorodok [Rating Limit Values of Masonry Walls Bearing Structures Deflections]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 6. 2014. pp. 90-97. (rus)

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ISSN 2076-6033
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