Multilayer Walls with Brick Wall Facing under Wind Actions. Analysis of Ultimate Limit State of Carrying Capacity According to Eurocode 6

Derkach V.


The article contains examples of typical damages of face layer in multilayer walls and the analysis of their causes. It is noted that in the national building practice during the walling of facing layers in multilayer walls the high-quality cement masonry mortars, which in combination with ceramic brick form masonry with high axial and bending stiffness, are commonly used. At the same time flexural moments and compressive forces arising in a face layer from force and temperature actions, are defined by the stiffness of a masonry which substantially depends on a compliance of mortar joints. It is possible to conclude that the masonry mortar in a facing layer of multilayer walls should have the low module of deformations and thus be strong enough. The numerical study of the influence of the elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of mortar in brick wall facing in multilayer wall on the value of compression stress under thermal action has been presented. It is shown that the increase of masonry rigidity in wall facing leads to an increase of internal forces in masonry induced by force and thermal effects. According to the executed researches it is concluded that the application of masonry mortars with the low elastic modulus and high shear and tensile strength, having good adhesive characteristics is reasonable for masonry wall facing in multilayer wall. Such kind of mortars are correspond to factory made dry mortar mixes. The proportion of the mixes is selected according to the conditions of application.

Keywords: multilayer walls, facing layer, mortar, deformation characteristics,force and thermal effects

For citation: Derkach V., Demchuk I., Tsaruk O. Requirements for the Mechanical Characteristics of Mortar in Wall Facing of Multilayer Floor Supported Walls. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 31-40.

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033
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