High Strength Concrete in the Constructions on the Road Transport Bridges

Krotov R., Chistova T.


Control joints (DS) of highway bridges are important elements of the bridge deck, and their reliability and durability depends largely on the life of the entire bridge structure.

Control joints with rubber-metal compens ators which are attached to the concrete reinforced foundation with the use of p egs which are already fixed to this foun dation are used on the roads with the hi gh intensity of transport in the Republi c of Belarus. Since high transport dynam ic capacity affect the control joints, t he pegs perceive considerable tension wh ich cause destruction of the concrete fo undation, which is confirmed by finite element analysis. According to this fact, high s trength concrete was essential to be dev eloped in order to perceive dynamic func tioning capacity resiliently.

The structure of high-strength concrete is heterogeneous, at the interface between- cement filler has cavity contacts that are stress concentrators and contribute to the reduction of the strength of the concrete. Contact aggregate-cement is reinforced by the use of different methods of particulate reinforcement in the zone of contact activation and modification of the contacting surfaces of mineral materials, components and clinker tumors.

These effects are eliminated by strengthening the links between the concrete structural elements.

The influence of fine-dyspersated extenders and the impact of fibres on the stability of the concrete are considered in the article. The tests were carried out grounded on concrete regulations. The results of the experimental complex strengthening of the concrete and the technologies of the arrangement of foundations for the control joints are also viewed in the article. The combined usage of activated aggregate, an active fine supplement and a fiber allows to obtain high-strength concrete, able to resist the elastic dynamic traffic load.

High-strength concrete is gaining strength in the first three days, the strength reaches 80 MPa, this enables to dismantle the concrete and the traffic on the road will be restored in a short time.

Keywords: control joint, dynamic loads, thin filler, fiber

For citation: Krotov R., Chistova T. High Strength Concrete in the Constructions on the Road Transport Bridges. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 7. 2015. pp. 65-77.

Full text in Russian:


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