Features of Control of DurabIlity of High-Strength Concrete

Batyanovskiy E., Bondarovich A., Ryabchikov P.


The article reflects the material characteristics and control technology of the compressive strength (destructive and non-destructive methods) concrete strength of 100 … 150 MPa, for which the authors in the BNTU have developed compositions and studied the basic physical and technical characteristics and the characteristics of the respective instructions of the Ministry of Architecture of Belarus.

The results of experimental studies curing modes, as well as the role and the need for the concrete strength of 100 … 120 MPa mineral supplements fume (MC), and with an increase in its level in excess of 120 MPa, and further structuring ingredient – a stone flour (CM), as is used hammers (Ssp to ~ 3000 cm2/g) granitoid rocks (granite screenings RUPP «Granite»). Data from experiments carried out on standard and original methods, shown, firstly, that the scale factor, which takes into account the test originality of specimens of different sizes «Private» on the strength of concrete, can not be applied to concrete strength ≥ 100 MPa (in this case, the scale factor is equal to 1,0); secondly, it is shown that the non-destructive testing the strength of high-strength concrete to be performed with necessary pre-building the actual calibration curves, as component strength mounted on authentic samples by various methods differ significantly among themselves and 15 … 30 % lower than the actual strength of the concrete, defined destructive method – testing samples of analog compression.

It was found that a change in the plasticity of the concrete mix within the slump marks P1 … P5 (other things being equal, with the exception of – for the brand P5 an additive-hyper softener consumption ~ 1 % by weight of cement on a dry basis) of concrete modulus of elasticity decreases (2 … 3 %) with equal compressive strengths of samples. This effect is obviously associated with the replacement of the plasticizer molecules a certain amount of water of hydration in interplanar spaces crystal hydrate structure of tumors and the growth of its deformability.

Keywords: high-strength concrete; hardening; strength; control; the scale factor; destructive, non-destructive methods.

For citation: Batyanovskiy E., Bondarovich A., Ryabchikov P. Features of Control of DurabIlity of High-Strength Concrete. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 8. 2016. pp. 11-28. https://doi.org/10.23746/2016-8-1

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033

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