Marko O., Batyanovsky E.
In the present study, which main results are represented in this article, the problem of the growth rate acceleration of the concrete strength in the technology of monolithic concrete and the problem of energy costs reduction for the concrete heating are solved. In particular, the energy- efficient modes of its hardening were developed including maintenance works in the winter period due to the introduction of the complex additive «UKD‑1», that contains a traditional hardening accelerator and one more component that increases the concrete strength (in the form of domestic structured carbon nanomaterial) in the rational combination with a plasticizing component. This technology contributes to the temperature decrease and to the time reduction of the energy supply (heat) for the concrete heating, at the same time it provides a high growth rate of the concrete strength and its level in the project (28 days) and later. Using standard and original techniques it was demonstrated experimentally that even when maintenance concrete works are implemented in this period (at the air temperature up to «-20 °C»), the problem of providing of the concrete strength at the level of 70…90 % of the project aim can be solved using modes of short (2.5…4 h) heating of the concrete with the complex additive «UKD‑1» to the temperature of 40…50 °C followed by the «thermal» sustaining of the structure in the warmed formwork for 20…40 hours, if the framework is not warmed (plywood or wooden planks formworks), modes of concrete heating (with the complex additive «UKD‑1») until the specified temperature and shot (1…4 h) isothermal warming-up are to be used followed by the sustaining of the structure in the formwork (slowly cooling formwork) for up to 24 h.Keywords: complex chemical additive, sodium sulfate, carbon nanomaterial, cement, concrete, hardening acceleration.
For citation: Marko O., Batyanovsky E. Energy-Saving Technology of the In-situ Concrete with Complex Additive «UKD‑ 1». In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 8. 2016. pp. 172-194.
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ISSN 2076-6033