Physical and Technical Properties of Heavy Structural Concrete Modified with Domestic Carbon Nanomaterials

Ryabchikov P.


Article material reflects the results of studies on the problem of increasing the heavy concrete structural quality characteristics (including concrete strength of 100 … 150 MPa) due to the introduction of the domestic carbon nanomaterials (CNM). With the use of standardized, universally accepted and equity (regarding the task of introduction into the concrete of small amounts (0,005…0,05 % by weight of cement) CNM) techniques studied and experimentally proved the efficiency of their use, in particular – in high-strength concrete.

The impact of domestic CNM on basic set of physical and technical properties and characteristics of concrete with a strength of 100…150 MPa (class C90/105 – C100/115 by STB EN206–1–2011 and higher) is estimated for the first time. The result experimentally proved the increase (due to the introduction into the concrete of 0,05 % by weight of cement varieties of carbon nanomaterials “CNM‑1”) of concrete strength by 10…15 % (compression) to 16 % (tension at bending), up to 25 % (axial tension), modulus of elasticity by2…3 %; reduction of Poisson’s ratio by 9 % and decrease shrinkage, water absorption (7 %); growth performance of the following: salt, – frost, water resistance, waterproofing, and protective ability of concrete on the steel reinforcement; the growth of sustainability in comparative firing tests of the wall panels of high-strength concrete containing CNM in comparison with concrete of similar composition, but without CNM. The obtained results create the necessary preconditions for the use of domestic CNM in construction cement concrete.

Keywords: cement stone, concrete, carbon nanomaterial, composition, application, physical and technical properties.

For citation: Ryabchikov P. Physical and Technical Properties of Heavy Structural Concrete Modified with Domestic Carbon Nanomaterials. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 8. 2016. pp. 195-212.

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033
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