Effective Massive Aggregates for Top Layer of Concrete Pavement

Sakanov D., Chistova T.


Concrete has an inhomogeneous structure and may possess a defect. Transitional zone of a cement stone and filler ITZ is its weakness. The porosity of this zone is 30 %. This is a vulnerable place for seepage water and sleet proof reagents that leads to the destruction of a concrete structure in future.

In recent years, a new technology has been developed to improve the strength of the concrete through purposeful regulation of physical and chemical processes in a contact zone of rubble and the cement stone.

The article describes the following examples: stone material is treated by solution of electrolyte. Rubble can improve physical and mechanical properties of the concrete.

The Republic of Belarus has a deposit of stone material in the open pit Mickashevichi (Republican unitary enterprise Granit). These resources contain acid rocks (SiO2 > 65 %) and ultra acid rocks.

The authors offered to activate the mineral surface with the help of aluminum sulfate. Aluminum sulfate migrates to the structure of the cement stone in the ITZ zone.

Aluminum hydrosulfate muds pores in the problem area, thus, reinforcing the structure of the concrete.

The authors showed the flowchart of activation of the rubble when crunched.

The results obtained during the experiment showed the growth of durability of the concrete that contains the above mentioned activated rubble.

Keywords: structure concrete, rubble activated, physical and chemical processes, the ITZ zone, the durability of the concrete.

For citation: Sakanov D., Chistova T. Effective Massive Aggregates for Top Layer of Concrete Pavement. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 8. 2016. pp. 213-224. https://doi.org/10.23746/2016-8-12

Full text in Russian:


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