Samuilov Yu.
The wide use of cellular concrete in the construction industry and finding the most effective ways of erection of building structures are forced to look again at the possibility of upgrading existing technology non-autoclaved aerated concrete. The presence on the Belarusian industrial enterprises of the mineral waste that will require disposal is useful, provides access to affordable building materials that can help to improve the quality and reduce the cost of production of non-autoclaved aerated concrete by reducing the cement consumption.Non-autoclaved aerated concretes are produced mainly for the cement binder. This allows you to use for their production of inert filler, which is not directly involved in the process of hardening cellular concrete. The smallest fractions of granite screenings, JSC «Granit», which is a waste crushing granite rocks showed a good applicability in the production of cellular concrete. This bulk material was successfully introduced as the filler in the composition of non-autoclaved cellular concrete mixture, which was obtained a wide range of cellular concrete of different densities and strength. The article presents the description of technology of obtaining non-autoclaved aerated concrete on inert filler from crushed granite rock and the results of its laboratory testing. It is shown that this technology allows to obtain non-autoclaved aerated concrete in a wider range of density and compressive strength. Directions of its application in the construction industry. There are some of the features of the use of concrete mixtures produced according to this technology, in monolithic construction. Described a new method for determining of compressive strength of aerated concrete non-destructive method, presents the device for its realization. A distinctive feature of this method is high accuracy, reliability and independence from additional sources of electricity.Keywords: non-autoclaved aerated concrete, granitoid microfiller, microsilica, a new non-destructive inspection method of the compressive strength.
For citation: Samuilov Yu. Non-autoclaved Aerated Concrete : Production Technology, Features of Application in Monolithic Construction, Non-destructive Method of Compressive Strength Control. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 8. 2016. pp. 225-240.
Full text in Russian:
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ISSN 2076-6033