Micro- and Ultra Silica in High-Strength Concrete

Gurinenko N.


In compositions of high-strength concrete (along with high performance softeners) for the purpose of consolidation of its structure as necessary condition of ensuring high durability, enter micro silica (Ssp ~ 3,0 m2/g) in a dosage (on different data) from 5 % to 30 % weight of the cement, which significantly complicates the preparation of concrete technology. Introduction to concrete of solid-phase powdery micro silicon requires an accessories the concrete-mixing of installations (hubs), in particular, technological lines of preparation of aqueous slurry which quality (uniformity, sedimentation stability) is changeable..

In material of article it is shown that the equal effect in ensuring durability of cement concrete can be reached by replacement of traditional micro silicon ultra dispersible amorphous micro silicon dioxide (UDMS), at dosage of the latter on the order of magnitude smaller. The role of the studied substance (UDMS) in formation of structure of concrete is described (consolidation of structure of a zone of contact between a cement stone and filler, acceleration of formation of crystal hydrated new growths, etc.) that leads, further, to increase in its density and durability. Using standardized and original methods experimentally proved the effectiveness of the introduction of structural heavy (high-strength fine-grained and a coarse aggregate) concrete micro silica ultra dispersible (Ssp ~ 350 m2/g) in an amount of 0.05 … 1.0 % by weight of cement to ensure the growth of strength fine heavy concrete compression to 30 % and 10 % replacement of conventional dosage micro silica 1 % by weight of cement of micro silicon ultra dispersible in concrete strength of 100 … 110 MPa, hardening in standard heating environments (15 … 20 °C) and an initial heating (30 … 40 °C).

Keywords: high-strength concrete, micro silica, micro silica ultra dispersible, hardening, structure, strength.

For citation: Gurinenko N. Micro- and Ultra Silica in High-Strength Concrete. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 8. 2016. pp. 53-69. https://doi.org/10.23746/2016-8-3

Full text in Russian:


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