Efficiency Evaluation of Antifreeze Additives in Hardened Cement Paste

Gushchin S., Drozd A., Babitsky V.


The usage of chemical additives in the practice of doing concrete work at subzero temperatures is – a convenient and economical method. A lot of different antifreeze additives are using today. New additives are being advertised, but their characteristics are often little known. Unfortunately, evaluating the effectiveness of antifreeze additives is durable process and it doesn’t give complete information about processes of hardening, structural formation in concrete. Because of it construction companies urgently needs efficient and affordable test method. A possibility to analyze characteristics of hardening cement gel with antifreeze additives by measuring gel’s temperature which is hardening at positive temperatures is showed by using potash, calcium chloride and sodium nitrite. It offers the method for rapid test of properties of chemical additives for concrete products at positive temperatures. Calorimetric parameters of the antifreeze additives was measured with the offered method. These parameters are the initial time, the time to reach maximum temperature and the maximum temperature. Rate of increasing of temperature and specific calorification in age of 24 hours were estimated based on experimental data. At the same time compression strength of hardened cement paste was investigated. The results are showed that potash and calcium chloride can be used as accelerators and different courses are confirmed this fact. The method does not require rare and expensive testing equipment, it can be used by low-skilled workers and not well-equipped construction companies. It opens the possibility of developing the original concrete structure design methodology.

Keywords: cement paste, hardened cement paste, concrete, antifreeze additives, efficiency, evaluation methodology.

For citation: Gushchin S., Drozd A., Babitsky V. Efficiency Evaluation of Antifreeze Additives in Hardened Cement Paste. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 8. 2016. pp. 70-83. https://doi.org/10.23746/2016-8-4

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