About Formation of the Stress-Strain Condition of Reinforced Concrete Frame-Articulated Structure with Consideration of Their Construction Technology

Kovrov A., Kovtunenko A., Kushnir A., Vysochan N.


In article, the problem of the design scheme creation sequence and load application influence on formation of the stress-strain condition of the bearing systems elements of multistory buildings including in their reconstruction is considered.

The purpose of work is development of a method and the analysis of influence of the design scheme creation sequence and a load application order on formation of the stress-strain condition of reinforced concrete statically indeterminable frame structures.

The method of definition of the stress-strain condition of the reinforced concrete frame structures, based on a numerically analytical method of boundary elements that allows to investigate the work of systems up to a limit state and corresponding to physical nature of their work is offered.

The analysis example of reinforced concrete frame-articulated cross framework of the five-floor two-span building of administrative and production appointment with consideration of load application order according to the offered method is given.

Analysis is done by means of the program developed in system of computer mathematics of MATLAB based on a numerically analytical method of boundary elements that allows considering cracking processes.

In determining of the stress-strain condition of reinforced concrete frame-articulated constructions with consideration of cracking processes by means of a numerically analytical method of boundary elements the partition of separate elements (columns and crossbars) of frame-articulated construction on pieces with piecewise and constant stiffness is made.

The offered method is based on analysis of the technological scheme of the building construction with partition of analysis performance into the corresponding stages.

The given results of numerical experiment on research of degree of internal forces redistribution, depending on construction stages of a reinforced concrete building framework, load application and cracking on action of design loads shows that the arising bending moment exceeds the design bearing capacity.

At analysis on action characteristic loads the bearing capacity reserve makes 18 %.

Keywords: numerical-analytical method of border elements, order of loading, cracking.

For citation: Kovrov A., Kovtunenko A., Kushnir A., Vysochan N. About Formation of the Stress-Strain Condition of Reinforced Concrete Frame-Articulated Structure with Consideration of Their Construction Technology. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 8. 2016. pp. 84-97. https://doi.org/10.23746/2016-8-5

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033

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