Main Sources of Moisture in Modern Buildings and Methods of Solving This Problem

Konkov V., Uretskaya Ye., Plotnikova E.


The article generalises the main aspects of the moisture hazard in modern buildings and outlines possible ways to solve this problem.

Most residential buildings in the Republic of Belarus are designed and exploited with natural air exchange. Provided that, the moisture of both outdoor and indoor air is actually equal under summer conditions. In winter, the air outdoors is considerably drier than indoors and the air moisture in the rooms increases considerably unless the air change is arranged. Not without reason, the special devices, i. e. valves allowing filtering the outdoor air coming into rooms have to be installed after installation of the windows meeting the today’s strict requirements for airtightness.

The article justly points out the increased moisture of construction materials to be the main cause of worsening of the durability and deterioration of service properties of the building constructions.

This article reveals the main sources of the constructions moistening and considers some of the moisture transfer processes in buildings. The article presents the results of investigations of the gypsum-based moisture-regulating plasters. The use of porous fillers capable to collect the moisture quickly and then return it slowly represents an interesting method of moisture regulation in living premises.

The performed investigation has resulted in the development of gypsum-based plaster compositions with moisture-regulating capability, allowing to reduce the risk of water steam condensation on the walls.

Keywords: gypsum plaster, moisture-regulating plaster, moisture sorption, moisture desorption, porous filler.

For citation: Konkov V., Uretskaya Ye., Plotnikova E. Main Sources of Moisture in Modern Buildings and Methods of Solving This Problem. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 8. 2016. pp. 98-113.

Full text in English:


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ISSN 2076-6033
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