Malinovskiy V., Krivitskiy P.
The results of experimental researches of influence of major constructional factors on resistance of prestressed reinforced concrete beams with rectilinear and bent-up longitudinal seven-wire strands by external action are presented in article. The main feature of the mode of deformation of prestressed reinforced concrete beams with bentup reinforcement is to create condition at a pressing concrete stage, at which compression deformations vectors are inclined to a point of the application of prestress force. The given fact influences on orientation and sizes of main deformations from external loading. By this reason at a previous inclined cracks stage the main tensile strains of concrete in the middle of height of sections in beams with the bent-up reinforcement are less than limiting. Main tensile strains sizes approach limiting faster in average part of section height in beams with rectilinear reinforcement that predetermines further formations of the inclined cracks beginning in this part of section. Changing of prestress force degree influences on location and angle of critical cracks, changing of bent-up seven-wire strands angle influences on normal and bending shear cracking load at nearsupport zone. The length of a zone of transfer prestressing increases by using seven-wire strands of smaller diameter and, as consequence, prestress force concrete decreases, that in the subsequent affects size of cracking loading and beams destruction, as well as concrete strength changing influences on propagation of inclined cracking and failure load.Keywords: compression, tension, load, crack, seven-wire strand, strains.
For citation: Malinovskiy V., Krivitskiy P. Experimental Researches of Influence on Resistance to a Flexure with Shear Force of Prestressed Concrete Beamswith Bent-up Seven-Wire Strands of Constructional Factors. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 8. 2016. pp. 134-154.
Full text in Russian:
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ISSN 2076-6033