Strength and Deformability in Compression of Masonry from Large-Scale Silicate Blocks with Polyurethane Joints

Derkach V., Demchuk O.


The results of experimental researches of masonry specimens from silicate blocks with thin-layer polyurethane joints have been presented. On the basis of experimental researches, features of deformation and failure of specimens, the strength of masonry in compression and its deformation characteristics have been obtained. The results have been compared with the results of experimental researches of masonry from silicate blocks with thin-layer polymer-cement joints. It is shown that the deformation behavior of the masonry specimens with polymer-cement joints and specimens with polyurethane joints differs. It is shown that the elastic modulus of masonry with polyurethane joints increases with increasing compressive stresses, which is explained by the high flexibility of horizontal polyurethane joints at the initial stages of loading of specimens. With increasing compression level in polyurethane joints their flexibility is reduced, but until reaching stresses close to the compressive strength of the masonry, it remains higher than in polymer-cement joints. It is established that the value of the secant elastic modulus of masonry with polymer-cement joints is 1,25 times higher than the value of elastic modulus with polyurethane joints. Formation of the first cracks in the masonry joints on the polyurethane occurs at lower compressive stresses than in the masonry on the polymerglue joints because of the large transverse extension polyurethane joints under compression compared to polymer-cements glue joints, and uneven transfer of compressive stresses on the bearing surfaces of masonry units with lane filling of horizontal joints by polyurethane adhesive-foam.

Keywords: masonry, silicate blocks, polyurethane joints, compression strength, elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio.

For citation: Derkach V., Demchuk O. Strength and Deformability in Compression of Masonry from Large-Scale Silicate Blocks with Polyurethane Joints. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 9. 2017. pp. 206–218.

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033

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